Should I Let My Husband Leave Me For A Separation: What To Do When Your Husband Wants To Separate

OK, you been married for a few years, you think everything is going great until you hear the dreaded words: I love you but not IN love with you anymore.

Now, if you been married like me for just a few years and have a kid from this relationship, you would think Oh wow, that must hurt. Well, let me explain my story.

Around 1 year ago, my wife and I decided that she should take some time off to take care of our son. So I was basically taking care of all expenses of the mortgage, the cars, the food, entertainment, etc... All this is great. However, since my business is directly related to the real estate (I have a relocation company), the business went the same same direction as the real estate sales. Now, the economy followed and also took a dive for the worst. So what to do? Look for a job? Is that easy? I don't think so.

So I continued pursuing the moving business so I can work on getting revenue flowing in. During my wife's sabbatical leave from work, we both agreed that during the week she would wake up when our son cried in the middle of the night and the week ends, I would take care of it. That is great when I didn't have moves on week ends and if my moves didn't finish at 2:00am the night before. So that dreadful Sunday morning, after me arriving at 2:00am, my son woke up at 4:30am and my wife had the audacity to wake me up because it was my turn to take care of our son. I woke up with frustration and just told her to go and get a job, that I couldn't take care of the household and still pay the bills, that I couldn't deal with all the pressure.

She then, within the same time frame, received a new camera from her dad, a camera that cost close to 300 dollars, and she carelessly lost it. She then say she needed to buy another one so she can keep taking pictures of our son. I then again told her we couldn't afford it, she then complained we can't afford much, and then went to look for a job.

This is when our marriage went downhill. She left every week end to go and work and we barely ever saw each other. We tried to communicate but in vain. It was a very difficult time.

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Obviously, you need to realize that when a women no longer wants a relationship to work, she will just black out and focus on other things, or other people. Everyone will try to look for a new and exciting relationship, something that husband can't fulfill because of life trivials. It gets difficult to always keep the sparks alive when you have to deal with mortgages, bills, kids, etc... So what to do? What to say? At this point: You need to do NOTHING.

Not sure if you ever heard the expression, when you LOVE someone so much, you need to let them go

If they never come back to you, means you never had them from the get go.

Follow carefully what I just said: Loving someone, means you can't keep them in a cocoon in the hope that they will come back. Remember, a caterpillar becomes a butterfly once you let it mature, let it grow. If you keep someone in, without letting them explore the world, they will resent you for it. Always, learn to let things go, especially that it can help you in the long run.

In the meantime, this is a green light for you to makes changes. If you have a kid, spend time with them. Open your social group, meat people, date people, hey, she is most probably dating someone as well. Don't go crazy and sleep with everything that has a heart beat, but explore out there. Take care of yourself, exercise, look better, buy new clothes, because of you lose weight, you might not fit in your old clothes. Look and feel better, your confidence will grow, you will be more attractive to other people, you will bring in people closer to you because of your newly found confidence and social skills. Remember, this is the time to be a better person for yourself. Do not care about what she does, or who she does. Take care of you and your kids. This is what will make them realize the biggest mistake of their lives. Even if she never comes back, your next relationship will be the best. You will know how to never remake the same mistakes ever again.

You will be the best you can be and bring happiness in the long run. I can bet you, that within 6 months to a year, that person who left you with a broken heart, will come back crying to have you back because as many says, the grass is NEVER GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE. Life experiences will make them realize that, but it is only with patience, that you will overcome this anger and hatred, but you will always end up to be the better person and be someone that she will notice a positive difference. At the end, you will be the one who will have the decision to either bring them back into your life or tell them where the door is and to live their own lives. However, one advice, everyone deserve a second chance, everyone makes mistakes, it will only be you to decide if that broken heart of yours can be fixed with time, love and dedication from your partner. Make sure that you will persist, try to make things work, get a marriage counselor if needed, and see if all this can be salvage. The other option is paying 20 000 dollars in legal fees and still end up doing what you are doing now, taking care of your kids and be a better person. So the choice is yours.

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We've all been there. You get married and watch your spouse change through the years. Maybe she's not the same perky woman you married when you and she were in your 20s. Maybe he's not the same man who doted on your every action and thought 24 hours a day. Maybe this has you fearing that your spouse is no longer in love with you. While it's true that love changes over time, as do people, this is no reason to throw in the towel on your marriage. With divorce as high as it is, why not work on ways to save a marriage rather than let it drift away? "Saving my marriage," not giving up on it should be your mantra.

Is that easier said than done to work on how to save a marriage - in particular your marriage? It shouldn't be because you two are fundamentally the same two people. Maybe you're a little softer around the middle and your spouse has a little less hair but so is everyone else in your age group. Working on ways to save a marriage starts with making a concerted effort to think of your marriage is being worth it. It means highlighting and remembering the things that had you fall in love to begin with.

How to Save a Marriage - In Five Steps

Step 1

It doesn't matter what physical changes have taken place in your spouse - tell her she's beautiful or tell him he's the sexiest man alive! If truly "saving my marriage" above everything else is your goal, it has to start with reprogramming your brain. Instead of finding fault with your spouse's looks, either take steps to help your spouse lead a healthier life or stop pouting. You can't do anything about hair loss, no matter what you believe.

What if your spouse don't love you anymore? Here's how to get them addicted to you like when you fell in love for the first time

Step 2

Stop comparing your spouse to the hottest model out there! It's demeaning whether the model is a male or a female. Ways to save a marriage don't start with, "Honey, look at the hot babe on TV. Why don't you look that way any more?"

Step 3

Celebrate the reasons you fell in love. In thinking of ways to save a marriage, surely you can recall the reasons you fell in love to begin with. Was it her whacky sense of humor? Was it his willingness to take risks? Was it the way she was able to deal with any problem head on? Whatever it was, it's still there and are great places to start in the "how to save a marriage" fight!

Step 4

If "saving my marriage" is really as important as you have been promising, ask her what you can do together. Include him in the process. No reason in the world to go about saving my marriage in a vacuum, but rather think about saving your marriage. This isn't a solo party thing. You're both in this together. Believe it or not, you both have some great ideas about how to save a marriage - leverage them.

Step 5

Chill out! It is so easy to focus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on ways to save a marriage. It can be zap all your energy and so thinking about anything else can be difficult. Go out, have fun and be friends. Maybe ways to save a marriage start with checking in with your guy friends or with your girlfriends. Sometimes taking the focus off, "I must think of nothing else other than saving my marriage." Try and live too. But as you're doing it, don't forget to tell your wife she's beautiful or your husband he is sexy! It will work wonders!

Next, click here now to find out why your spouse is lying to you about the reasons they want a divorce. Follow the information step by step and you will discover the truth, cut through the lies and pain, stop divorce dead in its tracks, and rebuild the strong, intimate marriage you've always wanted... even if your spouse doesn't want to!

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When it comes to keeping a marriage strong and healthy, there are a few things you will need to know. Taking the right approach to fixing your marriage is going to be what helps you avoid divorce and gets you on the fast track to repairing things between you and your spouse. This article will be a good starting point for you to make a real difference in the way you both interact with each other, so you can start getting closer than ever before.

One good way of becoming closer as a couple is to ensure that you are spending enough time with each other on a daily basis. Sometimes it can be difficult to balance this with school, work, friends, and family, but if you work hard enough you can do it. It is critical that you set aside time to just discuss certain things, both major and minor.

Talking about how your day was can be just as important as the larger issues, like what is wrong with your marriage as a whole. These are issues that you will eventually want to get into, because they are the meat and potatoes of how you function as a couple.

Talking about your problems isn't always easy, and sometimes discussions can be heated. This is why you have to avoid arguing, yelling, and blaming each other as much as possible. Doing these kinds of things will get you nowhere and you will make absolutely no progress towards fixing your marriage. All conversations you have with each other should be respectful and civil.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Did you just find out that your best friends for years have filed for divorce since one of them was caught cheating? Did your brother just find out that his loving wife for five years is cheating on him? Now that cheating is on the rise, how can you know the signs of cheating?

It can really come as a shock if one of the couples that you have idolized all these past years are filing for divorce because of the discovery of an extra-marital affair. Why is it that some happy marriages still end in divorce? How can a devoted husband or wife even think of loving someone else?

First, you must know that there are many various reasons that cause a person to cheat. Some of these reasons may be insecurity, disrespect for the partner, unfulfilled needs, and many others. Therefore, if you think that your marriage is experiencing any of these reasons right now, you have to address these before they get out of hand.

If you have been so caught up with too much work responsibilities these past months, take a breather to unwind and spend more time with your spouse. A better thing to do is to always include a date night with your spouse in your weekly calendar. You can just prepare a romantic candle-lit dinner at home, dance with your spouse, and enjoy your time together. The goal of these date nights is not to spend a luxurious evening together but to just have time for each other.

What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.

On the other hand, you can look for signs of cheating if you simply feel it in your bones that your spouse has somehow changed even if you do not see any reason that could lead your spouse to cheat. Remember that some of the signs are too vague to even notice them. Or your spouse may be good in hiding the affair that you cannot find any hint that he or she has one. Some women or men hire a private investigator just to be sure since they cannot really follow their spouse around all the time.

Nevertheless, you may still find one or two signs that tell you that your spouse is involved with someone else. For sure, you may have seen these signs of cheating from movies like smell of a different perfume, lipstick marks, too much time at work, whispering on the phone, lack of intimacy, and others.

Indeed, some men can sometimes forget that they came home with a lipstick mark on their handkerchief or shirt. Or the smell of a different perfume can be rubbed onto your spouse's clothes.

You can also look for evidence in the personal belongings of your spouse like the wallet, cellular phone, and others. You may find out a receipt for purchased jewelry or stay in a hotel room. If you were not with him or her in that hotel room, who could it be? If he or she did not give you the ring, for whom did he or she buy it for?

There are still more signs of cheating that you must know of.

Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.

You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.

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Now you can stop your divorce or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! Visit Stop Marriage Divorce

There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.

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