In the business world the most successful people know how to ‘show up.’ When i talk about showing up, i’m talking about those that know how to give the A+ performance time and time again. Here’s a few clues on how they do it:

1. Research. Show up knowing all the information and how it relates to those you are meeting with, to the companies involved, to the customers involved, to the industries affected, and especially all the little details that matter to the individuals your meeting with. Know your commonalities, your items of importance, and your conversation pieces before you ever walk in a door to any meeting. Know what is important to the key players. Information is the golden key.

2. Show up not only on time, but show up early. Soak in the office space, take in the decor, the office furnishings, the pictures on the walls, the awards and certificates. Get to know the company and people you are meeting with in these few moments, and get familiarized with your surroundings before you ever walk in the meeting room door. This information will give you conversation points and more information. You can’t do this if you show up ‘just on time’ and especially if you are late. And remember, late is late. 5 minutes late is late, two minutes late is late, even 30 seconds late is late. Early is not late, early is respect.

3. Presentation. Know your facts and understand the material at hand so you can feel confident in answering any questions posed. However, make sure you also have all your materials in order and ready to be presented professionally.

4. Dress the part. Dress for confidence, as it not only makes a strong impression on the other parties, but it gives you a feeling of self confidence, of strong demeanor, of feeling good. And it shows respect to the other parties as well.

5. Have a pleasing personality. Go out of your way to have a sincere appreciation for what the others are speaking about. Engage in the conversation, and enjoy learning from what the other parties have to say. Make strong eye contact and show them that you are not only listening to them, but you are engaged and enjoying the conversation.

6. Always try to understand the topic of conversation from the other persons perspective. Whether you agree with them or not, it is important to understand their perspective, to try and see the situation from the view they have. Even if you still disagree, this compassion for their position and perspective will go miles for your outcome. It’s always about relationships, always was, and always will be. So the connection is more important than the debate points.

7. Be a good listener. The more you listen, not only the more you learn, but the more the other person warms up to liking you. This is absolutely key to remember. The more you get the other person talking, the more you get them opening up, the more their natural instinct becomes to like you. People innately love when others listen to them, so be a good listener and you will be well liked. Listening is the ultimate mark of respect.

8. Use the word “we” as much as possible. This denotes in all the sense of togetherness, the sense that you are in this together on the same side of things. This one word can do wonders to create a bond of team long before the reality even exists.

9. Treat every meeting, every call, every presentation as the most important of them all. ”It’s always show time!” So act like it 100% of the time.

10. Be polite. Use your thank you’s, welcome’s, and the other pleasantries of having good manners. This shows respect, and everyone loves to feel like they are respected.

11. Be a co-creator. Get all parties involved in creating the solution. Even if you have a strong understanding of the solution, instead of just putting it all out there as your solution, start leaving some breadcrumbs and let others find their way to the answers. This will personally invest them in the solution as they are now part of creating that solution. Think about this, how does someone then say ‘no’ and shoot down the solution that they themselves helped create? The answer, they don’t.

12. Be enthusiastic. People love to be around enthusiastic, uplifting people. It is contagious and your enthusiasm can change the whole mood level of any meeting.

I know many of these on the list might seem like common knowledge, in fact in reality all of them should be. However, most people not only forget some of these, most people forget to do most of them. But the A+ successful leaders, they have formed every one of these points in to a habit for themselves. They have consciously worked on incorporating each of these points into their meetings until it just becomes second nature to them.

Start implementing these suggestions into your next meetings, and just watch the outcomes sore.

Author's Bio: 

One generation must pass the torch of wisdom on to the next.

This site is all about the Wisdom, not who the provider is. This is so that you can use your imagination to associate your own personal truths to how the wisdom fits in your life, instead of having it presented as part of someone else’s truth and how it applies to their life. We all have our own truths and create our own realities with our beliefs, so this site is geared to present the wisdom in a way where you can focus completely on how it fits in with your beliefs; because your truth is why you are here in the first place. Your truth is what’s important to you right now in this present moment.

This page is not about me, or about promoting another content provider in the Personal Development industry (or what I like to refer to as Personal Success), but instead is about collecting and spreading wisdom, knowledge and experiences to the public. As someone in the Personal Success industry everyday I spend time studying, learning, and collecting wisdom from so many great leaders of our past and present. I sift through it all looking for the best, and have found many great insights that have helped me succeed in my endeavors. I believe this collection of wisdom should be shared with everyone, and not be held closely guarded by the few. As I come across inspiring wisdom I will share it here with you.

As this wisdom is presented on the site, I will do my best to decipher and interpret much of it, but then the real growth for all of us comes in the discourse and debate as we all create and share our own truths in each piece of wisdom. From differing opinions, differing perspectives, differing truths come a collaboration that pushes all wisdom further to a deeper understanding for all. This is good, this is healthy, and this is how we learn and grow our lives to become the image of greatness each one of us is pursuing.

Some of the wisdom you find on this site might be exactly what you need right now, as something led you here at this present moment. Other times what you find here might not fit a need in the moment, but I believe there is a time when you will find it comes in handy in your future endeavors.

The power of it all lies in learning how the wisdom, knowledge and experiences that are shared fit into your life. Thus this site is not about some personality teaching you how it works in their life, but it’s about learning it with your own face and mind attached to it from the start. It’s about creating your own image with you as the star. Wisdom will only truly make you wise if it fits with your truths and plays into your journey in finding your greatness.

Let’s share and spread the wisdom we learn. If you find something useful and inspiring, then sure be it that others you know could get the same benefit. So be a purveyor of wisdom and help pass the torch to others. The best wisdom comes from experiences, thus we all have wisdom to share.

Wisdoms Torch……pass it on.