Being the only one assigned the task of taking care of your child is one of the trickiest jobs that you can have.The normal family is one that has two adults that share the responsibility of child rearing and supervision and is hard enough as it is. Being the only one to go through this journey, without any support from a partner, entails that you fulfill the many roles that your child needs to grow. The family unit is one that is usually governed by a father figure, the strict disciplinarian, and the mother figure, the loving, warm arms that keep up the family. Single parenting is a tasking enterprise because of the difference in these two parental roles. A mommy can not wear all of daddy's shoes and a dad can not wear all of mom's dresses.

For a child to develop, it is a widespread fact that he or she will need to have two very different adults to guide his or her growth. It does not mean that single parents can not be effective, but that they will have to work overtime to fill all the needs. See, the main thing is, the child only has one person to turn to and that one person has a very limited set of traits to bequeath the kid. There is no one to contradict you. This can be a real challenge. So when it comes to raising a child by your lonesome, you should be aware of the many needs that have to be filled. The absent figure in his life should be well planned for and substituted.

The fact that you will have to do everything on your own in a 24 hour day that you wish could be stretched to 48 hours is the next wall to climb. You will need money to raise a child and unless you were born with a silver spoon, that means that you will have to work. The office and the home are two very different areas that are tasking enough to balance when you have a partner. But as a single parent, you will need to fill all the roles the child's life. That ephemeral perfect balance in making enough money to keep him comfortable and being there enough to be an effective mom and dad can be likened to a unicorn: an almost surreal space that you simply can not find. Read about all the single parent grants that you can use so that you are sure that you put yourself in as good a situation as possible. Your child is the most precious thing to you so make sure that you get every possible assistance that you can get.

Looking for single parenting support and help? Learn about single parent grants, financial assistance, daycare support and get tips and advice to help you face the tough task of being a single parent at

Author's Bio: 

Shannon has been writing about parenting and single parenting related issues for the better part of two decades. She is a treassure trove of single parenting advice.