Are you a woman who wants to have it all? Do you have a desire to experience your life and business on your own terms? I've certainly felt that way in the past, however I've come to realize that I have to choose what's most important to me right now in my life. I know that over time, my "energy" for different interests will change and grow into new areas. It's essential for Smart Women to recognize and embrace new passions that may develop over time.

Having to choose what’s most important to women at different stages of their lives can be a challenge. After all, we’ve been taught that we are multi-taskers. We want to do it all and we can do it all--- but at what cost? In the past, this “I can do it all” attitude has cost me my health, money, presence and awareness with my family. I (eventually!) learned from this and today I’ve taken on the idea that I can have it all, just not all at once.

Over the last 5-1/2 years working with hundreds of women, I’ve discovered that there are Six Feminine Energies™ women share. These “energies” fuel women at different stages of their lives. In my Women’s Success Circles, we spend focused time to explore each feminine energy and discover which ones feel like a good fit for each of the women where they are at this time in their lives.

Why is this important? What we focus on becomes our reality. We manifest what we think about. Finding where your attention and energy is focused will often reveal where your passion and purpose reside. One thing I’ve learned is that if you are living a life that is full of passion and purpose, you will have an unlimited energy supply for life. Without this, you can get “stuck” in the middle of the road of your life. You can also fall prey to exhaustion and feel overwhelmed trying to do it all.

When I discovered which of the Six Feminine Energies™ were fueling me, I felt alive with new ideas. I had a compass to guide me each day in making the right decisions to move my life in the direction toward my passion, my purpose and my values.

I’m going to share these Six Feminine Energies™ with you. In my Success Circles, I invite women to choose two to three out of the six. Why? Because it’s a real challenge to embrace all six at once effectively. You will spread yourself too thin and not be able to enjoy and savor the moments in each one.

1. Making Things Happen – Achieving goals, business success, being ambitious, going for it, recognition, driven by earning income, doing important work.

2. Nurturing Relationships – Loving, sharing yourself, bonding, parenting, being intimate, being a “nutritious” friend, caring sibling, caring daughter.

3. Personal Mastery – Self-esteem, confidence, personal clarity, courage, loving yourself, embracing who you are, self-acceptance.

4. Fun and Expression – Being playful, creative, childlike, spontaneous.

5. Spiritual Awareness – Inner peace, the process of “being”, trusting in the universe, quiet and reflective, inner wisdom.

6. Leaving Your Legacy – Contribution, mentoring, leaving the world a better place, environmental caring, community service, volunteering, helping others.

Which ones “call” out to you? I invite you to pick two to three that hold the highest “energy” value for you. Mine are very clear right now; Making Things Happen, Nurturing Relationships and Spiritual Awareness. Remember, these energies will shift and change over time. When I first discovered the Six Feminine Energies™, my top three were completely different. I’ve changed and grown and so my energies have shifted as well.

Now that you’ve determined your own two to three feminine energies, ask yourself a question: Is my life reflecting these values? Am I practicing and living these values which are so vitally important to me each day? If not, it’s time to take an inventory of your life. Clear some space in your life for your two to three feminine energies. It will make a big difference in the quality of your life and the quality of the people you care about.

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.

Author's Bio: 

© 2010 Joy Chudacoff

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