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Soar Into Success With Inspirational Quotes
By Bob Lancer

Feeding your mind with inspirational quotes is a way to stay positive. Quotes of inspired individuals convey the power of their inspiration to you. Because achieving major goals requires a positive attitude, reading inspiring thoughts by high achievers represents one of life's great success secrets.

Consider this empowering statement of Thomas Jefferson's: "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal."
Inspirational Quotes Can Attract Success

Feelings are magnetic; they draw to you experiences that match their quality. Feelings of discouragement attract disappointing scenarios. Feelings of annoyance attract obstacles and complications. Feelings of love draw loving people and beautiful conditions to you. Feelings of inspiration draw opportunities your way. Reading inspirational quotes is therefore not just a way of raising your spirits, but of attracting more of what you want in life.
Inspirational Quotes Can Unleash Genius

All great achievers are inspired, just as all great leaders are inspirational. Quotes that inspire you can even release genius. Consider one of the inspiring thoughts penned by the great French author Victor Hugo: "Inspiration and genius: one and the same."
Inspirational Quotes and Positive Companionship

As the ancient Greek dramatist Menander stated thousands of years ago: "By associating with wise people you yourself become wise." In other words, you become like those you spend time with. Contemplating the sayings of great individuals is a way of associating with them, and, therefore, growing greater ourselves.
Inspirational Quotes and Positive Thinking

Like a positive attitude, positive thinking represents another of those priceless success secrets because your life follows the direction of your thought. Positive thinking means using your thought to focus on your goals and to help you to stay motivated. Reading inspirational quotes connects you to the power of positive thinking because while reading them your mind is focused on inspired ideas.

Consider this example, by the ancient Roman poet, Virgil: "They can because they think they can."
Inspirational Quotes Can Enlighten You

Albert Einstein left us many enlightening, inspirational sayings like: "Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value." Ironically, heeding this wise advice would actually make you more successful, because the more value you have to offer, the more others are willing to pay you.
Inspirational Quotes and Personal Development

Words that motivate us to pursue higher personal development point to another success secret: as you improve your abilities, you improve your results. As the great 19th Century American poet Longfellow put it: "The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well."
Some inspirational quotes require deeper digging

Some inspirational messages, like the following one by Plutarch, the ancient Roman biographer, are worthy of deeper pondering: "Nature and wisdom are never at strife." Let's examine this one more deeply.

While there appears to be strife in nature, as when the waves crash upon the shore, or when an animal ferociously attacks its prey, the whole natural system works in beautiful harmony and order in support of life.

When you strive so hard that you overload yourself with stress and strain, you work unnaturally and therefore unwisely. Another way of interpreting Plutarch's quote is to view it ecologically, suggesting that we equate wise living with honoring the natural environment.
Beyond Inspirational Quotes

Obviously there are other ways to boost your spirits. Thinking about your goals is one way. Associating with individuals that have achieved what you want to achieve is bound to be inspirational. Poems written by literary giants like Dante, Shelly, and Whitman are, for literary types like me, inspirational. Poetry, prayer, walking in nature, taking photos, or learning about history may be your way of getting inspired.

Inspirational quotes, though, are an invaluable and readily accessible resource for harnessing the success- power of inspiration.

Author's Bio: 

Bob Lancer is:
* Author, Seminar Leader, Motivational Speaker, Consultant (www.wisieforkids.com, www.wisieforsuccess.com, www.wisieforrelationships.com, www.boblancer.com)
* Host of the WSB Radio Show Bob Lancer's Answers, focusing on the challenges of parenting, marriage and personal / professional development.
* Motivational Speaker for Large and midsized companies, associations, government agencies, schools, hospitals, youth groups and other organizations
* Child Behavior Expert of WXIA TV News (Atlanta's NBC TV affiliate)
* Host of Atlanta's Radio Disney show Ask Bob (helping kids deal with their issues)
* Featured Parenting Expert in local and national media