So this woman was in a car and she got in an accident...someone hit her. She was going maybe 15 miles an hour and the property damage was maybe $800. She had a case so she contacted insurance company for the other driver, and they said no. They said there's no chance that you're hurt and they were not going pay you anything so she waited about a year and she made another phone call, she wrote another letter and they kept denying her claim and she said fine and she was going walk away from it because she didn't know how to deal with the system. A friend of hers knew me and said ‘What do you have to lose? Give Ron a call.” She called me I got involved we settled the case for $80,000.

She had hurt her shoulder. She was holding the steering wheel and she was a little bit frail, and there’s countless medical journals and reports about this kind of injury for women her age and her body style who get in-car accidents holding steering wheels. I was able to present the medical data to the insurance company. She literally would have walked away from it. She said “I’m not hurt that badly or, it hurts but I can live with it and I don't know what to do.” We settled the case for about $80,000.

It's a good example that sometimes you have to have a lawyer who knows the nuances of the system, and it’s sounds disgusting and it sounds sad and gross but that really is what happens. For the property owner or insurance company or corporation so many times, it’s just numbers for them. They know by attrition that people are either going have to fight for something or just give it up. Well lawyers, this is our job and those of us who know the system and have been doing this as many years as I have, we know what we can do a lot better than anybody else who hasn’t been in the system.

Don't give it up, don't give up your claim that you, think you might have if it gets too difficult because you never know. It might not be that difficult to get some kind of a recovery. Give us a try, and see if we can’t make the recovery process much easier and more lucrative than you had ever imagined!

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