The first day of spring will be here before you know it, which means it’s time to rid your home of anything you really don’t need. Use this handy Spring Cleaning Checklist, which includes tips about finding a trash removal Boston company, and welcome in the new season free of clutter:

Pick up any spring cleaning supplies you need. Trash bags, masking tape, marker, cleaning products (use white vinegar for a natural and chemical-free cleaner) and organizational items should be on our shopping list.

Go through each room in your home and pull items you no longer use into the hallway. This includes clothes, appliances and products. Stack the items in two piles: trash and for donation. As you finish an area of your home, move the items into respective piles in an easily accessed but covered spot. A patio or space in the garage works best.

Put items you plan to donate into trash bags. Tape the top shut with a long strip of masking tape and write the intended charity on it. This allows you to easily grab whichever bag you need as you make the rounds to various recipients of your unwanted stuff.

Hire a trash removal Boston company.1-800-GOT-JUNK? proves easy to use and recycles as much as it can. It provides Boston junk removal at more affordable rates than others in the area, as well. On its website, you will find a list of items it will and what it will not take, such as hazardous materials, so that you can make other arrangements for them.

Gather everything that needs to go in one central area to make the pick-up appointment with the junk removal company go as quickly as possible. Most companies that provide this service do not charge by he hour, but you want to wrap up your spring cleaning as soon as possible. If a heavy item is on the to-take list, not to worry: The pick-up team from 1-800-GOT-JUNK? in particular can take any item its two members can carry. In other words, if you plan to get rid of an old mattress and box spring, save your back and your sanity and let the team carry it down the stairs and outside.

Take any hazardous materials to the appropriate drop-off location.Depending on when you schedule your spring cleaning, you may have to wait a bit; the next Boston hazardous drop-off days are not until June 9 and June 30.

Organize what’s left. Utilize the organization items you purchase and make a list of any new ones you need. Bins work well for keeping a variety of items contained and easily found. A new set of file folders can make accessing important documents easier than ever.

Author's Bio: 

Clark Masters writes about home and garden issues for a variety of Boston-area publications. He used 1-800-GOT-JUNK? for Boston junk removal during his spring cleaning last year. He was so impressed with the convenience and affordability of the service, he recommends the junk removal company regularly.