Spring offers us an opportunity to appreciate the renewal cycle of life. It’s a wonderful time of year. Spring also brings its downside amongst the daffodils – humidity, mold and dampness.

My background as an allergy-testing technician in the Pacific Northwest revealed important clues about allergies to airborne inhalants and molds!

The Northwest, and many other areas of the country can be problematic in Spring because of the amount of rain and moisture and dampness.

People can be severely affected by molds – Alternaria, Aspergillis, Hormodendrum, and Pullularia - common molds found in soil and decaying vegetation. Stachy Botris is a nasty mold that grows in damp wallboard or moist carpeting. Molds abound in the air we breathe in many other areas of the country, except in summer when the weather is dry and the mold count is low.

Do you best to dry out your home. Don’t spend time in moldy, damp basements.

Next, take a look at your bedroom. Are their feathers on the bed? Are there pets in the bedroom? What about dust? And of course, if there are plants in the bedroom molds called Cryptococcus or Fusarium can be emitted into the air that you breathe at night.

Next build up your immune system with correct nutrition and supplementation so that you are not as acutely affected by outside influences. Do some spring cleaning internally - do a Candida yeast eradication program. Candida can live in the respiratory tract. Also, try removing all dairy products from the diet – dairy products are mucous forming.

Then go in and take a look at some of the emotional components that are affecting nasal passages and the respiratory tract. Close your eyes and imagine you are an energy power center. Visualize where your own power is leaking out to people, places or things outside of your self. You may have an “investment” in another person or in a past issue that continues to rob you of vital energy. Now, breathe the “life force” back into your body and regain the power that you have lost.

Building self-esteem is the key to retaining your own valuable energy. Spring, with all of nature emerging is a great metaphor for your own awakening.

Finding joy and happiness in everything you do are the ultimate goals to keeping you healthy and strong and unaffected by the influences of nature during this time of year.

Author's Bio: 

Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.