Lately I’ve been noticing more and more people delaying their happiness for ‘some time in the future’.

My question to you is this: Are you living your life to the fullest right now? Or are you putting things off so that one day when you have enough money you can do whatever you want? Ideally, you’ll have a good balance.

But the fact is if you keep putting things off with the thought that you’ll do them ‘one day’, it’s most likely that you’ll never do them at all. I’d hate to be gloomy here, but the simple fact is that you could die tomorrow. One day is never. We should be doing the things that we love NOW.

“Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves – or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth.” - Ayn Rand

I’ve been caught in this trap myself. For a long time I was saving, saving, saving, and putting off doing the things that really bring me joy so that I could do them one day in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate the need to save for the future. It’s just that we can easily get caught in forgoing what we love to do in the present moment.

So it came to me; ‘I’m going to start doing all the things that I love to do RIGHT NOW. I’m still going to work towards creating the future of my dreams, but in the mean time, I want to do what I love every single day.

These thoughts led me to wanting to create a bucket list – a list of all the things that I want to do before I die. However, I became a little bit negative about this idea. What I found is that it’s kinda hard to get too enthusiastic about ‘Bucket lists’ because there is something a little bit morbid about writing a list of things to do before you die. The sense of urgency almost stresses you.

So instead, I’ve created what I like to call a DESIRE’S LIST. It’s a list of all that I want to BE, DO and HAVE whilst I’m living– with an emphasis on who I want to *be* and what I want to *give* to the world.

I’m sure that the list would be exactly the same if it was titled a ‘bucket list’ or a ‘desire’s list’, however, I feel like the intentions of a desire’s list are much more significant.

I highly recommend that you write your own desires list. If you’re like me, you’ll become incredibly motivated to get out and start doing the things you love now. I wrote my list last week and I’m still feeling very inspired to do more of the things that are meaningful and make me happy – rather than waiting for ‘one day’ to do them. I’m even finding that my mind is looking for more things to bring me joy every single day.

So what are some of the amazing things that you want to do in your life? What are some of the amazing things that you want to have in your life? Who do you want to be? What do you want to give the world? Go ahead and write it down now. Dare to dream, and dream big!

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Live for today. Choose to live life to the fullest. Don’t put off all the great things that you can do now. Live your greatest life right now!!!

Author's Bio: 

I’ve got an intense passion for learning about optimal living, how to live my greatest life and how to help others live their greatest lives.

After a few years of really not knowing which direction I wanted to go with my career, I’ve now found what really excites me. I’m a lover of wisdom. I’ve been interested in personal development for a long time and in the last 12 months or so my research has really started to intensify. So here I am.

My vision is to help people all over the world to live happier, more loving and more fulfilled lives. In order to do that, my goal is to find all the top information out there and assemble it into an easily digestible form that you can use to implement into your life.