Now that you have decided to buy a swing set, how do you get the best deal possible? Now more then ever, swing sets are being purchased online. Traditionally, swing set manufactures were either local or established franchises that would showcase, sell and assembly in a specific area.

Because of the internet, many manufactures have begun building "Ready-To-Assemble" swing sets. Basically these require know cutting. All that is required is assembly. With more and more of these types of playsets becoming available, an increasing amount of specialtyswing set retail websites have appeared online. These websites offer a tremendous amount of information that was not available five to ten years ago.

The first step to buying a swing set for less is determining which swing set you would like to purchase. I recommend doing your research online. There are hundreds of websites that provide reviews and suggestions. I always start with what features you are looking for and go from there. Once you have the actual playset narrowed down, it is relative easy to find the best deal.

Step 1: Start with a general search engine inquiry with the sku name. The results will give you several results that you can quickly go though and get an idea of where the pricing is at.

Step 2: Go to some shopping feeds such as,, or There are many more to choose from but theses will get you going. They will spit out five to six retailers that carry the product you are looking for and you should now have a basis of what the going rate of your desired playset is selling for online.

Step 3: Go to each of the retailers sites that you found in steps 1 and 2. Look at what promotions then have such as Free Shipping or Free Gifts etc. Look for links to social network sites such as Twitter or Facebook. More often then not, retailers post specials to their fans that lookers can not see. Become a fan. Write on their wall. Ask if the are planning any specials or if there are discount codes.

Step 4: Once you sort through all of the above, make one last ditch effort to contact each of the retailers that you deem to be the top tier retailers. Let them know that you are price shopping and more often then not they we come back with a better price.

Remember, you are not buying an inexpensive item. There are plenty of great specialty retailers that are well know that reputable shops. Take your time, do your resource and let the bargain shopping begin.

Author's Bio: 

Jennifer is freelance copywriter. For more information on a saving on your Swing Set or Gorilla Playsets, visit