Some of the breast cancer symptoms are listed below.

•A hard lump with no pain and uneven edges in the breast or armpit may be a sign of breast cancer.
•Thickening in the breast may also be caused as a symptom of breast cancer.
•Redness, dimpling, or puckering like orange skin in nipples may be sign of this disease.
•Any type of nipple discharge including fluid, bloody discharge, clear to yellow or green pus like discharge may be indicative of this disease.
•Pain in bones, especially around the breast may also be due to this disease.
•Pain or discomfort in breast should not be ignored as it may signal development of breast cancer.
•Skin ulcers, especially around breast are other symptoms.
•Swelling of one arm near the breast is also a sign of breast cancer.
•Sudden and unexplained weight loss may also be associated with this disease.
•Swelling, dimpling, redness, or soreness of skin in or around breast is also indicative of this disease.
•Change in shape or appearance of the nipple should not be taken lightly as they could be due to breast cancer.
Men can also develop breast cancer, though its occurrence in men is rare. Symptoms of breast cancer in men are breast lump and pain and tenderness in breasts.

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

The first step in diagnosing breast cancer is self-examination. A patient can see for symptoms of breast cancer on her own. The next step is clinical examination. If a person develops any of the symptoms of breast cancer, the doctor may go for physical examination of both breasts, armpits, and the neck and chest area. If after physical examination, a doctor suspects breast cancer, he can ask the patient to go for a set of tests to confirm the presence of breast cancer. Mammography is widely used for checking breast cancer. Biopsy is another test done for knowing the size of tumor, its type and nature. It could help in deciding the treatment as well as determining the stage of the disease.

Tests done for breast cancer are as follows-

Mammography- It is done to detect any lump or abnormal growth in and around breast.

Breast MRI- It is used to identify the breast lump. It also helps in evaluation of abnormal change found on a mammogram.

Breast Ultrasound- It is used to detect the nature of the lump or to find out the lump is solid or fluid-filled.

CT Scan- It helps in determining the spread or stage of the disease.

PET Scan- It is used to detect the spread of the disease.

Breast Biopsy- A sample of tissue is taken from the breast for examination in the laboratory by a pathologist. It is examined at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. The report of biopsy has information about the tissue’s appearance, cellular make up, and state of disease or normalcy.

Lymph Node Biopsy- A biopsy of lymph node is also done to find out, whether the disease has spread to lymph nodes.

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Author's Bio: 

Jack Taylo
Powers Taylor LLP is a boutique litigation firm that represents people injured by unsafe drugs. The attorneys of Powers Taylor founded this firm to focus on client needs. We employ unique and creative litigation strategies to obtain decisive results for our clients.