It started simply enough, a run of the mill typo. Instead of signing off with my usual “Take good care,” I had missed an “o” and written “Take god care.” I noticed right away, but opted not to correct my mistake. This was fun and, besides, I look for messages and meanings in almost everything and this was too good, or, maybe too God, to pass up. I told my friend, the recipient of the e-mail, that I was leaving my error as a more fitting closing.

I like the idea. Take god care. Take care of ourselves as God would. How good does that get? If God is caring for me then all my bases are covered. I am sitting pretty. There is nothing to fear or worry about because I am, as the saying goes, resting in the unseen hands of God. Wouldn’t this be the best blessing ever to offer anyone, especially our loved ones?

Then the message really slammed home. What if the meaning is for us to take care of ourselves in a more god-like manner? In other words, what if we are to be more God nurturing, God caring, and God loving towards ourselves? What if we are godlier in our every action? What if we treat ourselves as if we are God, or, at the very least, God-like?

My previously missing “o” resurfaces in a breathy “O” and it dawns on me: Take god care can be read as a lofty imperative. It can be viewed as a high octane message from the rarified realms.

If I am going to treat myself or you as God, I need to consider the possibilities. I’ve got this human thing down pat, but operating at a higher elevation requires some thought.

I am reminded of Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way and her suggestion that you consider yourself a precious object. I agree with the precious part, but the object part seems a tad impersonal. Nonetheless, she has the idea: we are to treat ourselves in a valued, caring way.

It seems to me that respect and worthiness are essential components of godlike behavior. If I am God, naturally, I would respect myself as well as others. If I am God, I have pretty much nailed that self-worth issue and would be able to honor the worth of others.

It stands to reason that as God I would unconditionally love and accept myself and others.

With that love and acceptance, I could create space for healing. Carl Jung told us that to make any kind of change we needed to first accept that which we wanted to change. That makes sense. How can I change something in myself that I abhor until I have looked that sucker in the eye and made peace with the object of my disaffection?

Therefore, if I am God and we are God, do we make time to floss our teeth, cut up assorted, colorful veggies, and take a walk around the park? If we are God, do we treat ourselves as precious beings? Do we take the time to honor our physical selves? Do we stop and breathe and play and walk away from the computer or the office?

As God, do we create the time and space for what lights us up and sings to our souls? Do we use our time in satisfying, nourishing ways?

If we are God, do we create peace within our being? Do we end the violence at home, the home within where we wage battles with constant attacks of criticism? Do we stop fighting our inadequacies and make room for détente? Do we allow the inner war to cease and find ways of resolution? Do we elevate our energies, thoughts, and feelings to those of bridging polarities and finding a common ground?

Goethe wrote, “If each of us sweeps in front of our own steps, the whole world would be clean.” Then by extension, could we not consider that if we each treat ourselves and others as God then would not the whole world be operating in a more god-like fashion? It’s a thought, a very nice thought.

As God, we would understand that each and every one of us is a precious soul bearing light. As God, we would know that when the soul lights connect there is a great deal of peace and joy. As God, we would get an enormous kick out of all that peace and joy.

Take god care.

Author's Bio: 

Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a transpersonal psychologist and higher consciousness teacher who likes looking at life through the big view finder. She is the author of Balancing Act: Reflections, Meditations, and Coping Stategies for Today's Fast-Paced Whirl and a contributing author to the anothology, 2012: Creating Your Own Shift. Learn more at and