Motivational speakers have positively impacted my life in more ways that I could ever fully describe. You know, those cheesy self-development guru's that often times make people smirk in that condescending way. It was one particular statement though made by Bryan Tracey that I can honestly say set me on a new path forever.

Several years back I had found myself in a rut. Hey, we've all been there. This rut though was so deep stepping out of it was no longer going to be considered any small task. I was going to have to climb out of this crater without a ladder.

The statement came just at the right time and I can say without a doubt it left a mental branding in my mind like you'd see a cowboy leave on the back side of a bull. Those words changed me forever and I want to share them with you today. They went like this:


Well, it just so happened at the time I heard this statement I was sitting in a sales meeting at a Television station. I was working as a marketing representative or shall we just say, AD schlepp. Now, just to be nice, I'll say the personalities of the sales and staff were unfavorable, to say the least. In fact, the mental condition of my co-workers bordered on that of Turkish prisoners. They were in fact, the people I spent my most time with. And it shook me to my core.

It was at that very moment I can honestly say that the light bulb didn't just "go off." It shed light on a whole new way of thinking and being. I realized then and there I wanted more than these people sitting next to me. They were miserable and I could no longer be around misery. I could no longer subject myself to limited belief systems, complaining and daily verbal outbursts brought on by their toxic low-self esteem.
I made a decision that day to plan a way out. It wasn't before long that my mindset created a path right out the door so quickly I was free from the chains of employment within that next few weeks.

You see, as soon as you make up your mind to change something, you don't need to know the "how." You simply need to know what you want. I wanted a way out of the bindings of employment. That trapped feeling of being owned by something while being forced to surround myself with individuals I did not respect, was no way I wanted to live. I knew I had to find a road to freedom. That road for me was financial freedom.

The truth is, we can have any future we desire. We have to recognize that we can have it, believe the picture we envision in our minds, and sooner than appears before we are hardly able to recognize the appearance of it.

Whatever that 'it' is for you, be sure to picture it in your mind,believe in it as if you have already acquired it, and it will appear. You may not even recognize it at first. Be aware of this. You have to recognize it. It may be in the form of a person or connection. It may be a voice in your mind. It WILL appear though. It is called OPPORTUNITY...and it is all around you.

You simply have to recognize it as your future.

Some of the things I would do to pull myself out of a rut would be to submerge myself in books and motivational though leaders. A good start is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. A classic book with just as much power and relevance today as it did 80 years ago.

Crystal O'Connor is founder and CEO of Fearless Amibition, LLC a company devoted to helping women, men and children achieve financial freedom through education & entrepreneurship. Her company emcompasses three brands: Fearless Ambition Magazine, The Crystal Membership, Fearless Ambition Kids Club, and Ambition Events.

Fearless Ambition Magazine is the powerful bi-monthly publication that educates, empowers and enriches the lives of the entrepreneur. The Crystal Club is an exclusive members-only club and coaching program for entrepreneurs who want to accomplish more in business and life. The Fearless Ambition Kids Club is a program that teaches kids about money and entrepreneurship. Ambition is a live conference for entrepreneurs that allows them to learn the very best in business and success strategies from dynamic speakers from all over the world.

Crystal O'Connor is devoted to creating financial freedom for women, men and children globally through the power of entrepreneurship. To learn how to create wealth and live an extraordinary life now, register for her free weekly articles at

Author's Bio: 

Crystal O'Connor is founder and CEO of Fearless Amibition, LLC a company devoted to helping women, men and children achieve financial freedom through education & entrepreneurship. Her company emcompasses three brands: Fearless Ambition Magazine, The Crystal Membership, Fearless Ambition Kids Club, and Ambition Events.

Fearless Ambition Magazine is the powerful bi-monthly publication that educates, empowers and enriches the lives of the entrepreneur. The Crystal Club is an exclusive members-only club and coaching program for entrepreneurs who want to accomplish more in business and life. The Fearless Ambition Kids Club is a program that teaches kids about money and entrepreneurship. Ambition is a live conference for entrepreneurs that allows them to learn the very best in business and success strategies from dynamic speakers from all over the world.

Crystal O'Connor is devoted to creating financial freedom for women, men and children globally through the power of entrepreneurship. To learn how to create wealth and live an extraordinary life now, register for her free weekly articles at