Dogs get cancer just like people. Dogs have a 1 in 4 chance of developing cancer. There are several dog cancer treatments available; most are very similar to human treatments for cancer. Dog cancer treatments include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, cryosurgery (freezing), immunotherapy, hyperthermia (heating), nutrition therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, behavior modification and homeotherapy.

Dogs respond quickly to dog cancer treatments and do not have the severe reactions to chemotherapy and radiation therapy as people do. A dog does not have to take the treatment as long as humans as do as dog cancer treatments are localized for a specific cancer and not widespread as it is for people.

The causes for canine cancer have not all been identified but exposure to the following substances have been known to cause cancer:

- Hormones
- Sunlight
- Air pollution
- herbicides
- insecticides
- second-hand smoke
- radiation exposure
- certain viruses
- genes/improper breeding
- over/unnecessary vaccinations
- chemical additives and preservatives in food

The following are the most common dog cancer treatments:

1. Surgical treatment is used to remove a tumor or to remove a limb, as in amputation.

2. Chemotherapy is treatment with drugs to specifically target cancer cells.

3. Radiation therapy uses penetrating beams of radiation to kill the cancer cells, which keeps them from multiplying.

4. Cryosurgery involves freezing the tumor during surgery and then removing the tumor.

5. Immunotherapy is the use of a tumor vaccine to target tumors.

6. Nutrition therapy can be the use of whole, raw and non-processed foods enables the dog to get the maximum nutritional benefits. Supplements like ES Clear are helpful in boosting the immune system and giving your dog extra energy.

7. Massage therapy can help relieve stress for your dog, and important factor in fighting cancer.

8. Homeotherapy is a holistic discipline that includes diet, exercise and stress relief for your dog. There are veterinarians that specialized specifically in homeopathic medicine.

9. Acupuncture is used to strengthen the dog’s immune system so it can attack the cancer.

10. Chiropractic care emphasizes the bones, spine, vertebrae and joints and their alignment in the body.

With proper care and the correct dog cancer treatment, a dog may live several months after the diagnosis of cancer. It will be a decision between you and the veterinarian whether the treatment is feasible for your pet. If the cancer has not metastasized then your pet’s life could be extended as much as a few years. If the cancer has metastasized, then your pet will not live very long, and treatment would make him uncomfortable during his last days.

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Is your dog suffering from cancer? Discover what you can do to help your pet eases pain and discomfort with an effective dog cancer treatment. Your dog can have a better health and improve its immune system. Visit our site now at: