What do Meryl Streep, Orlando Bloom, Cher, Lee Iacocca, Sasha Cohen, Margaret Thatcher, Miro, Willie Nelson, Sting, Travis Rice, John Travolta, John McEnroe and Madonna all have in common? They, like so many others, are involved in some form of bodywork or somatic therapy. Why? Because the answer to illness is wellness and because we are biological beings subjected to trauma which is anchored into our bodies and psyches historically/genetically!

It is true that at a certain stage in our lives we all begin to question how destructive patterns of behavior, habitual stress, persistent pain, chronic anxiety and inherited patterns of aging seriously inhibit our ability to lead happy, healthy, vital lives. Again, as we experience insult and injuries, we begin to store and stack emotional and physical traumas. Have you ever wondered how negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors hinder your ability to heal? Do you have a high stress or physically challenging job? Do you have a sleepless baby, an asthmatic child, a troubled teenager, an anxious spouse, a troubled relationship, a demanding boss, or elderly parents?

The unfortunate result of these stressors is a continuing loop of dysfunction that when left untreated, can show up as adverse health manifestations that can be as mild as a pinched nerve, sore neck, trick knee, anxiousness and nervousness or as extreme as a major illness or disease and until these patterns are released they can continue to dominate and rule our lives.

Science has now proven what the ancient saints and sages have been saying for millenniums; that all forms are manifestations of our minds and therein lies the magic and mystery of successfully facilitating another through our somatic work that cannot always be explained scientifically or medically. It is our thoughts that are creating our world and each individuals experience of it. Therefore, anything and everything is possible when our belief system is present to allow for our inherent and unlimited potential. Limitations and absolutes are only as real as our beliefs that create them. (See Eco-Physicists and Human Potential).

It was by the dynamic of “Intention” that I was led to create BioSync® and through this work that my intention has become form. Through BioSync, you and I, have an opportunity to explore the ever expanding realm of possibilities and potential and to experience just what can happen when self created barriers of mind and body are dissolved. Health and healing is about harmony and balance and I believe that BioSync is an important and necessary health care option. (See The Extraordinary Alternative). Rather than thinking of health/healing as a return to homeostasis, I prefer to think of it as a process of evolution. We are either devolving/deteriorating or we are evolving/progenerating. The choice is ours!

"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence cannot be applied."
~ Herophilus

Recommended Reading:
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra
Creating Health by Deepak Chopra
Waves of Healing by Siri Atma S. Khalsa M.D.
Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Myss, PhD.
The Creation of Health by Carolyn Myss, PhD.
Why People Don't Heal and How They Can by Carolyn Myss, PhD.

Author's Bio: 

Mark Lamm

Consultant | Teacher | Mentor of Peak Performance, Wellness and Longevity Strategies

I am a synthesizer ― whether it's putting together a yoga series taught over many months into a single kriya or developing whole body and focused treatment protocols. Drawing from my yoga and Qigong background, I have spent more than 40 years developing the art and science of BioSync®, a deep tissue approach to somatics based upon the expressions of natural health as well as a deeply held spiritual worldview. 
Click to read more about my inspiration and mentors.

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