No one can say for sure why people behave this way. Technically, they are not really doing anything wrong. You really cannot force these people to make a purchase using your affiliate link if they don’t really want to. The point is that they can affect your affiliate sales. And something must be done about this problem.There are people that are actually worse than those who simply bypass links and these are people who actually replace the affiliate codes in the links of others with their own before making a purchase. Sadly, link hijacking is something that is rampantly being practiced. What makes these people different from those that simply bypass affiliate links is that they are actually gaining advantage from the efforts of other people. After all, you have worked so hard to promote your link, you deserve to be compensated for every sale that you make.

Actually, these people can be likened to thieves already because what they are actually doing is stealing. Instead of you getting your commission for the sale, it is them who receives the money from simply buying a product. The practice of affiliate stripping is something that is generally considered as improper. In fact, many companies have banned the practice already. According to research, affiliate marketers lose as much as 60% commission because of link bypassing and hijacking.

The worst part is that, these activities could be happening without you knowing about them. There really is no way for you to detect if someone is stripping your affiliate link. But there is something you can do to protect yourself both from “affiliate link thieves” and from those who like to bypass affiliate links. This solution is the use of an affiliate link cloaker.  This is a program that will allow you to hide your affiliate links from others so they won’t be able to strip or even ignore it.

What these programs actually do is to make your affiliate links appear as if they are not links and as if they are just part of your domain name. Some affiliate link cloakers can even help you track clicks on your different links so you can manage them more efficiently and even edit them if needed.

Getting a link cloaking software can be considered as one of the must-haves of every affiliate marketer. It is a necessary tool that you really need to invest on or else, you could lose a lot of potential affiliate commissions.

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Author's Bio: 

My name is Katona Norbert,i am a professional SEO Expert.For more information about me,check out my website:Katona SEO