If nervousness is keeping you from making that ‘dreaded’ presentation, might I suggest a different approach to your thought process? Instead of focusing on your nerves or your fear, why not focus on your success? Whether you are scheduled to speak for your boss, for your own business, or for some other occasion, your inability to stand at the lectern could be jeopardizing your career. What is holding you back is exactly what could make your speech or presentation a success.

I was once scheduled to give a 2-hour presentation to a large group of people and I was exhausted. Immediately prior to that particular meeting, I had held a return session for another group of people; and, I did not know how I was going to get through another 2 hours. My adrenaline kicked in, however, and I had no problem speaking for another 120 minutes. In fact, it was one of the best presentations I have ever given.

Had I allowed my fatigue to be in control, that evening session would have been a disaster. Instead, my adrenaline took over and gave me the energy to feel refreshed and ready to go.

Allowing for your adrenaline rush is one of the most important and positive aspects of public speaking. The secret is not to try to get rid of your nervousness, your fear, or that magnificent kick you get when your adrenal glands start working in overtime. The answer is to use that rush to your advantage because it will make you more alert, sharper, and better-focused.

It can lessen your pain, your discomfort, or your angst simply by allowing it to be. And, in doing so, you will find it can take your presentation to a level you have never reached in the past. This is one of the reasons I tell my clients not to fight their nervousness but to allow it to work for them.

In order to use it to your advantage, however, there are 5 things you must do:

1. know your material;
2. make eye contact with your audience;
3. speak with color, with life, with emotion;
4. breathe before and during your delivery (preferably by means of your diaphragm); and,
5. believe in yourself.

When you can accomplish those 5 prerequisites of good public speaking, you will be amazed at what that wonderful rush of adrenaline will do for you!

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. To see how voice training can improve your life, both professionally and personally, visit Voice Dynamic or watch a brief video as The Voice Lady describes Dynamic Public Speaking.

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