This week I'm going to showing you a vital key and first step to calling in that deep soul mate love and connection you so desire and deserve.

This step is essential and will work for you wherever you find yourself right now and whatever disappointing experiences you may have had. I know that love is absolutely possible for each and every one of you, it is your absolute birthright. I invite you to give up wishing and wanting for love and instead to cause and create love in your life by making the choice to be willing to become totally self-responsible for the love and connection you yearn for. For further in depth support, please see our coaching programs.

Taking Radical Self-responsibility and Seeing Ourselves as Source of Our Experience

I still remember clearly that life-changing moment when I woke up in the middle of the night a few years ago and committed right there and then that I would give up blaming anyone for not having love in my life but would become totally self-responsible for the love I yearned for.

Taking responsibility doesn't mean that we condone the poor behavior of others. We have all had experiences where other people have behaved badly and our resulting feelings are very valid. However we recognize that continuing to blame others is only keeping us stuck and is stopping us from having the love we so desire.

When we start to take responsibility we also do so with huge love, compassion and care for ourselves, recognizing that blaming ourselves or beating ourselves up is also only serving to keep us stuck. In taking the step of being self-responsible we see that this is our only access to the power we need to transform our experience of life and love.

After years of bitterly disappointing experiences I finally came to a place where I was willing to do whatever it takes to change my experience of love. The pain was too deep and I decided there and then that I would not die not having experienced the deep love and connection that I sensed must be possible even though it was completely outside of my life experience or identity.

I always attracted unavailable, uncommitted men who just didn't see me. However, within my new commitment to give up blaming anyone, to give up wishing or wanting for love and instead to create it and to do whatever it takes, I started to become deeply curious and interested in how I might be actually unknowingly or unconsciously co-creating my experiences.

I started to make known the hidden beliefs I had around love, the beliefs I had about men, the beliefs I had about life and the beliefs I had about myself. I started to see clearly all of the ways that I was showing up in relationship that were actually perpetuating those beliefs and validating them as though they were true.

I became totally 100% self-responsible and became my own detective, looking for all of the ways in which my experiences might be happening through me rather than to me.

For example I discovered that I had a core belief of "I'm not wanted by men." I then started to see that because of this belief I was showing up around men trying to make them want me. This carried a very desperate and needy energy and they would always leave. They would always reject and abandon me. I started to see clearly that my experiences were not simply happening to me, they were happeningthrough me. For years it had seemed as though my patterns just kept happening and that I was powerless to do anything about them.

The same pattern of being rejected, abandoned and attracting unavailable, uncommitted men happened over and over again. However I started to see that I was actually perpetuating my experiences and validating the belief of "I'm not wanted" as though it was true. In discovering this I started to challenge the beliefs and transform them. I then started to make new choices and take new actions that completely transformed my experience of love and relationship. I got deeply in touch with what I wanted in relationship. I started to know my own value. I became wholly visible. I learned how to receive. I brought completion to old hurts, old loves and old pain.

I brought a healthy balance of giving and receiving to all of my relationships. I released any relationships in my life that no longer served me. I got in touch with my own values, my vision for my life and my purpose. I revolved my life around the question "Who would I need to BE to have the love and connection I yearn for?" and I released and embraced anything that was in alignment with this. I became willing to learn and cultivate any new skills and capacities needed.

I started to attract a completely different type of man and a completely different experience. I attracted men who like me were genuinely interested in having a loving, committed relationship.I attracted men who couldn't wait to get to know me, who were "lit up" by me. It wasn't long before I met my husband and experienced the deep, soul connection that I had always yearned for.

I now experience an extraordinary relationship and one that is on a completely different level to anything I had previously known. I am so glad I made the decision that night to do whatever it takes and to be totally responsible for creating the love I yearned for. It was so worth it.

Love-Transforming Steps you can take right now:

Commit and decide right now that you are going to give up blaming anyone or anything for the love you don't have yet, including others, men, women, yourself or God

Become willing to do whatever it takes to transform your experience

Give up wishing or wanting for love and instead commit to starting to create it

With huge compassion and kindness for yourself start to become deeply interested and curious in all of the ways in which you may actually be co-creating your experiences

Ask yourself "How might my experiences be happening through me rather than to me?" Write down whatever you see
Ask yourself: "What would I need to release, let go of or embrace in order to have the love I am seeking?" What new skills and capacities would I need to learn and cultivate?" Start to take small steps towards whatever you see.

Revolve your life around the question: "Who would I need to BE to have this love that I yearn for"

We are here to support you.

Would you like to learn more about how to transform your experience,release anything in the way of you having the deep soul love connection you desire?

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Author's Bio: 

Passionately believing that the possibilities for our lives are limitless, British Spiritual Love-expert Julie-Anne Shapiro empowers people to create extraordinary lives and extraordinary love!

Julie-Anne has extensively traveled the world and has trained with a wide variety of teachers and mentors in the fields of spirituality and transformation.

It was through her own struggles in love and relationship that Julie-Anne learned, engaged and developed many of the principles that she now teaches and met and married the love of her own life using these principles at the age of 41.

Julie-Anne is the founder of Magnetizing Love. Through her “Magnetizing Love” Coaching programs, workshops and courses, Julie-Anne has helped many, many people to attract their partner and create the relationship of their dreams.

Julie-Anne is so excited to support you in manifesting the miracle of love.