Now the young plant grows steadily toward the Sun and it's maturity. Leaves multiply and bring a living interaction with the environment, while the stem thickens and branches out. Any earlier set backs are now either overcome or adapted to in preparation for the flowering which follows. The Lunar Cycles Report ~ Philip Levine

At the New Moon a conception occurred ~ at the Crescent the new life quickened in the womb and at the First Quarter we announced the upcoming birth to others Now in the Gibbous Phase ~ we realize the power and responsibility of creation, gain confidence and take care of all the little details. We learn to trust the process as we wait, stay busy and persevere.

A Time of Waiting

During the Gibbous phase we are coming close to the end of the first half of the cycle. Others can clearly see where we're headed ~ and so begins a period of inner and outer adjustments as you learn to adapt to realities and limitations. In this sometimes frustrating few days we gain perspective on and analyze the situation to see where changes must be made. If something isn't working this is the time to fix it.

We can feel as if we're between a rock and a hard spot. We may want to give up ~ but the Gibbous Phase provides the tenacity and perseverance, to believe in ourselves as we go back and forth adjusting, compromising, giving a little here and taking a little there.

Continuing with the example used in previous Moon Phase articles ~ during the New Moon Phase your dream of a new job became a goal. In the Crescent Phase the realization of the what that could mean raised all the doubts you have about yourself. During the First Quarter Phase you acted confidently, made a commitment and told others of your decision.

Now to successfully move through the Gibbous Phase you must look into the jobs available, adjust your expectations and get real with yourself. When you realize what's possible and what is not, you might want to give up but instead you hang tough. You make a list of perspective employers, you ingeniously adjust your resume, perfecting it for the positions available, then you polish your look and practice interview techniques.

The Gibbous Phase is a time of waiting in which you analyze, prepare, and perfect. You gather information. You look both with-out and with-in for answers that will lead you to the realization of fulfillment ~ or failure ~ at the Full Moon Phase.

Each of the 8 phases last just under 4 days. During Gibbous Phase the Moon is waxing from 135 – 180 degrees ahead of the Sun rising in the east at mid-afternoon and setting in the west in the very early morning.

Born During the Gibbous Phase?

Those born during a Gibbous Moon are survivors and worriers. Often difficulties in childhood leads them to be particularly interested in self development. They are tenacious and can preserver but often they get stuck in perfecting themselves and end up doing nothing ~ if for no other reason than it's just not time. Yet, these individuals are great problem solvers, with the ability to hang tough and see thing through to the end.

Note: During each of the eight phase there is the definite possibility that we will become stuck. Unless we can get past the self doubts of the Crescent Phase, the resistance from others during the First Quarter Phase and the need for perfection in the Gibbous ~ and so on~ we can lose the opportunity of the entire cycle.

Author's Bio: 

Patricia Lantz, is a practicing astrologer and hypnotherapist living in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a former columnist, currently writes as the Atlanta Astrology Examiner and is the astrology editor at ~ an online community for spiritual and healing practices. Patricia invites you to follow her on as she examines life on this small planet through the mediums of astrology, hypnotherapy and other related topics You may e-mail Patricia at, or for information about the services she offers visit her home on the web at