You hear a lot of talk in the self-improvement industry about how important it is to share your 'gifts' with others, to be the change you want to see in the world. But what if you don't know what your gifts are? What if you don't have some extraordinary talent that makes you 'gifted'? Does that mean you can't make a difference in the world; can't fulfill your destiny of living a purpose-filled life of joy and success? Not at all. If you're alive, you have a purpose, a destiny.

Every one of us has a reason for being here. Something inside us that makes us unique, that only we can share to make the world a better place. Sometimes though, probably for the majority of people, the gift isn't obvious, like an amazing singing voice or a flare for writing or performing in front of an audience. Sometimes our gifts are meant to be shared simply by the way we live our lives, how we treat other people, what we do for ourselves and others that has a positive impact on the world. In other words, our gift, or purpose, isn't so much dependant on what we do but how we do it; how we make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of the people around us. It makes perfect sense when you look at it that way, doesn't it?

This means we all have a common 'gift' inside us, which is our ability to be:

Gracious and giving
Inspired and inspiring
Forgiving and focused
Thoughtful and thankful

to make the world a better place for all. So even though it's our common purpose to share these gifts, being both a giver and receiver of all those things we have inside us, it's up to each of us as individuals to be authentic and true to ourselves, to express ourselves creatively in whatever way that feels natural to us, to live our purpose and make an impact simply by being who we are at heart.

Maybe you're a good listener and you help others by giving them a sounding board to bounce ideas off of, or a sympathetic ear to hear their troubles, giving them support and encouragement. This can make a huge difference to the person who comes to you for help. Or maybe you love gardening or making jewelry, or scrapbooking or playing guitar. When you share the fruit of your experience by teaching others how to do what you do, or selling them the products you create, you enrich their lives. And you never know what impact you'll have or how many lives you'll touch in the process when you live your purpose this way. It's your destiny and the ability to fulfill it is up to you.

Share your gifts and let your brilliance shine! Someone, somewhere is waiting for you to light up their life with the gift that is you.

Author's Bio: 

Angel Brown is the founder of the NW Alliance for Spiritual Women's Empowerment (, an information-rich resource for heart-centered people to discover their life purpose, unleash their creative potential, and create a soul-based business that makes a profit and makes a difference in the world!