With the adoption and generalization in recent years of Internet access and the resources it provides, companies have been adapting their processes and workflows to an interconnected world.


With Cloud Computing, a further step has been taken in this line, both due to the facilities it provides to businesses in their activity, and the need to remain competitive. And even in the emergence of new commercial activities that have not been possible until the maturity of cloud technology.


For this reason, the importance of Cloud Computing in companies is increasing with each passing day. Our cloud computing specialists are going to analyze which points have become vital for SMEs and all types of business with the implementation of Cloud Computing in their activity.


The availability of data and tools of our business in any terminal with Internet access marks a before and after in the mobility of companies.


And it is that Cloud Computing solutions for companies allow scenarios such as working from abroad or accessing information instantly in external meetings. If we think only a few years ago, these situations could not have been resolved without the cloud resources that we currently have.

Scalability and savings

The implementation of a new technology always involves an investment that should provide a return to companies in terms of economic savings and progress. Cloud Computing has met and exceeded these expectations.


An example: we have gone from having to acquire new equipment and hardware to expand the data storage of a company, to perform simple management to have more space on our Cloud Computing server immediately. Economic savings and scalability are one of the axes that have elevated and consolidated the importance of Cloud Computing for companies in recent years.

Improved productivity

Facilitating processes and workflows, not only in technology companies, has been one of the props for the implementation of cloud technology in companies. Improving productivity means, in addition to monetary savings, a more competitive and productive work environment.


Enterprise data warehousing was typically implemented in-house prior to the advent of Cloud Computing services. This implied that, unless we had our own technical computer equipment, the solution was far from being robust, safe and professional.


Today, both large organizations and SMEs can take advantage of a secure cloud environment to host their data.


As you can see, it would be difficult to return to a point without the facilities provided by cloud technologies seeing the importance that Cloud Computing has acquired in companies. If your business still does not enjoy these benefits, at Atech Support’s cloud computing specialists will be happy to advise you in a personalized way to take the step towards a cloud work environment.

Difference between public and private cloud

However, it is important to know the difference between public and private cloud to understand what may be the best option for your company. Private cloud is a model used by a single organization with its own resources, such as a data center, storage racks, or networks. The public cloud, on the other hand, implements cloud computing for various organizations and they use it through a set of networks, storage and data processing that are tailored to their particular needs.

Author's Bio: 

Thriller Author | Craftsman | Entrepreneur | Recovering Neuroscientist | Shaves Head with a Safety Razor and Drinks Black Coffee | Love to write on new things.