For average people, doing more sports means you will have a healthy body, which is always encouraged by many health specialists as well as experienced people. Lack of sports may be a reason why you are infected by bacteria and then trapped in the dilemma of prostatitis. However, on condition that you want to do some sports to make up for the past mistakes after diagnosed with prostatitis, it's actually not too late.

Don't do sports blindly, which is similar to the medicine taking. Choosing unsuitable targets may lead to more serious damage to your body. Based on the doctor's advice, the most suitable sports for patients with prostatitis are as follows.

1. Walking

Sitting for too long is one of the reasons that lead to prostatitis, so walking can be a good way to avoid being sedentary. Fast walking can make the hip pelvis regularly pull up, so that the prostate and its surrounding organs can be pulled up as well, which can play the role of accelerating blood circulation in the prostate gland. You should walk 3km for 30 minutes each day, and exercise at least 4 days a week.

2. Jogging

Jogging is the best form of prostate care. When you are jogging, pelvic floor muscles can get relaxed regularly and rhythmically, which can make the blood in the prostate gland as well as surrounding organs and tissues come alive.

3. Swimming

Doctors say that patients with chronic prostatitis can relax the muscles around the prostate gland while swimming. Abdominal muscle pull can promote the blood circulation and lymph circulation in the whole body, which is also good for improving the prostate gland. Your outer skin is surrounded by water, which also serves the purpose of cleansing the body and can prevent the private parts from being wet and dirty.

4. Yoga

As a new form of exercise, yoga can play a very good therapeutic effect on prostate related diseases, and can alleviate the prostatitis caused by mental stress, such as chronic bacterial prostatitis and asymptomatic prostatitis.

5. Tai chi

For patients with prostatitis, traditional health exercises, such as Tai chi, can relax muscles and reduce blood vessel tension. According to the traditional Chinese medicine, tai chi has the functions of strengthening muscles and bones as well as resisting diseases. When doing tai chi, you can guide your movements with your mind, which is helpful to eliminate the stimulation of mental stress factors on human body.

In addition to these sports mentioned above, badminton, table tennis and other ball games, as long as the intensity is not particularly great, can play an adjuvant treatment and prevention effect on prostatitis.

But doing sports, after all, is also a part of adjuvant treatment. Medication is what you should give top priority to. Herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is always recommended. Sticking to medication and sports, you can get rid of prostatitis sooner.

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