The Power of Focus and The Law of Attraction cannot be separated. Whatever you are focusing on, you will eventually attract into your life, be this on an individual, group or a mass level. In the light of that statement, do you think it is harmless to fill your subconscious mind with all the latest negative events on television?

A few years ago, where I live, there was an incident when some schoolboys, for a prank, decided to heave some hefty stones off a bridge over a carriageway on a highway. The stones, plummeted into the roof of a passing car injuring the driver and killing his young companion.

It seemed everyone was talking about it. The act was so disgusting, so horrifying to think that young schoolboys could do this and think it fun. Every news channel covered it in detail. We heard the sobbing of the shattered parents of the boys, the numbed disbelief of the victims' relatives, the boys themselves who sulkily seemed more interested in getting off than being smitten by the profundity of their error.

An incident such as this had never happened before, and yet, within the next few months there were similar incidents. The power of focus of the country as a whole, was evident.

We must not forget that the Law of Attraction is always responding to thought and, as has often been said, whether you like it or not! How careful must we be, therefore, to use the power of focus in the right way.

The Law of Attraction has a cumulative effect too. As you begin to focus on a thought, have you noticed that others seem to come, like slivers of steel jumping towards a magnet? This is great when our thoughts are positive, but unfortunately this happens when they are negative too. That's why with the power of focus, a bad start to the day seems to disintegrate into a terrible day and worse! There truly is a magnetic quality to the focus of thoughts. If someone at work does you some injustice and you get upset, have you noticed how the incident, (which in reality is only played back in your mind by a series of thoughts,) continues to gather momentum as you think about it. One thought "magnetizes" onto another and before you know it, you are relating it to other colleagues, you go over it again in detail with your wife, you tell your mechanic as he's fixing your car, you relate it with a few extra flourishes, to your mates at the bar and, if you replay it enough, it will be the first thought to pop back up in your mind the next morning.

So what do you do? Use the power of focus in a positive way. You should begin to deliberately focus on something of your choosing and not just follow the willy-nilly wending of wild thoughts. Once you really begin to choose the power of focus to "magnetize" pleasant thoughts, you will be able to stop any negative momentum in its initial stages. Let's say that the Law of Attraction is the rule, and the Power of Focus is the means to use the rule to benefit your life or not. Make sure that you use the power of focus to benefit.

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M.Elena Rogers Founder,Editor and Author of

The author is a recognised expert in Self Empowerment.
with University and Education experience in Australia,Italy and The United Kingdom.