Trauma is a holy and sacred place in which one is brought against their will. It is a place of great loss, pain, shame, fear, anger, and confusion because it is a place of change and one will need to discover one thing in order to grow through the trauma and that is unconditional love.

Contained within unconditional love is all the wisdom, strength, courage, and comfort one will need to overcome all of the powerful emotions and thoughts that come with trauma. It was the unconditional love of God the Father towards God the Son that gave Jesus all He needed to overcome the painful wound of betrayal at the Last Supper as well as the wound of abandonment He experienced in the Garden. Yet, God the Father never betrayed or abandoned the Son but, instead, it was His faithfulness poured out to the Son through unconditional love that empowered Him to fulfill His destiny. It was this unconditional love that empowered Jesus to overcome the trial, the 39 lashes, the long journey up the Via Delarosa which lead to the cross where He was nailed by His hands and feet for nine long hours. It was this unconditional love that empowered Jesus to forgive the thief on his right and, to give His mother Mary to John His disciple and, it was this unconditional love that gave Jesus the supernatural ability to pray for to His Father for our forgiveness because, it gave Him the wisdom to know that we did not know what we were doing. Then, it gave Jesus the power to rise up from the grave and give birth to the church.

So, if the unconditional love of God can do all of that for Jesus, just imagine what it has the power to do in our lives and help us overcome. Indeed, it is the power to grow through what we are going through so we can discover our true identity and fulfill our true purpose. It is the power to birth our impossible dream .

Author's Bio: 

My name is Biancia Tate and, I live in Lynchburg Virginia with my husband, John who is a traumatic brain injury survivor. We are the Founders of The Hope Network, Inc. whose mission is to provide spiritual support, hope and healing to survivors of trauma and/or crisis. We are also the home of the HEALED PROJECT whose mission is to find, heal and release the inner divine child so it can love God, love self and love others after trauma and/or crisis. We invite you to visit us.