The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the entire world, bringing a lot of stress to the healthcare sector. While a lot of attention is being paid to its prevention and treatment, it has somehow been the core reason why availing other medical facilities have become fearful and risky. People suffering from skin and other bodily ailments do not want to risk their health by visiting a dermatologist’s clinic and disobeying the rule of social distancing and self-prevention.

Thankfully, technology has come to the rescue and the facility of Remote diagnosis has proved a blessing. Being able to get expert advice on your skin and beauty condition, without coming in direct contact with them is certainly what we needed to stay healthy and flawless in all aspects.

What is a remote diagnosis?

Remote monitoring is making a very positive contribution to the skincare industry and is being used in a variety of ways. In terms of skincare, Remote Monitoring can be helpful in identifying the underlying reason for a skin problem and prescribing the right treatment. Using the advanced medium of technology like Video Conferencing, AI-based skin evaluation, Teleconferencing and more, dermatologists can evaluate the skin health and condition of a patient through a distance and avoid any physical touch while providing an accurate diagnosis.

Skincare Apps and Remote diagnosis

Advanced skincare providers have come up with their unique smartphone-based app that offers both ease and safety to the users. The patients seeking expert advice as well as the dermatologist can ensure maintaining due distance and prevent the spread of Coronavirus. All this while they do not have to compromise on their skincare treatment.
Remote diagnosis has proved effective in a number of ways including:

• Safe consultation:

Skincare demands consistency and the pandemic can prove lethal to your recovering skin. Remote diagnosis eliminates the risks of reaching a dermatologist during a pandemic by offering virtual screening and consultation options.

• Accurate diagnosis:

Thanks to the advanced technology at our disposal, the results of virtual diagnosis are as accurate as any other form. The dermatologists rely on AI-based techniques to evaluate the problem and conclude the core reason for any skin problem.

• Supporting documents:

If required, the patients can also present the dermatologist with supporting documents such as previous reports, medical history papers, and more and make the diagnosis more effective.

• Convenience:

Remote diagnosis will find a great place even after the pandemic is over because in our busy life all we need is convenient skincare and treatment. Getting an expert’s advice without stepping out of the house is something every patient would want. Now the patients can reach the experts at any time of the day as remote monitoring makes quality dermatology care available 24/7.

Opting for remote diagnosis can save you from Covid-19 while enabling you to avail of consistent skincare treatment. A smartphone-based skincare and dermatology app like Skin Beauty Pal is exactly what you need to take benefit of remote diagnosis for skincare.

Author's Bio: 

Pooja Goyal, the Marketing Specialist at Skin Beauty Pal, is an AI-based app that plays a key role in promoting skin and hair health. The app has several features including AI-based skin evaluation, free skincare plan, consultation with dermatologists, step tracker, water intake reminder, and more. It also notifies the user about the air quality as well as calculates sunburn time. The users can read informative blogs about skin and beauty on the app.