Every human being of this vast world is solely responsible for the joy/sorrow, bliss, agitation, peace, wrath etc that he/she faces in his/her daily life. It is he who is responsible for sowing seeds that grow thorns or fragrant flowers. Once a person executes an action he/she has no control whatsoever as to what type of fruits of actions will be generated. Ere this choice was given to mankind, he/she would promptly execute lowly/criminal actions and choose joy/happiness as their fruit/result. Thus someone’s bad action would create discomfort and strife for another person and the doer of the vile action would go scot-free.

Hence it is said that man has full freedom to perform any action under the sun, but the results of these actions are totally in the hands of Almighty God. God is that governing authority who ‘dishes’ out the fruits of our actions and controls all movements of these results. God is thus infinite and cosmic in nature. Hence we must never doubt the fact that the lives of all human beings are totally dependent on this infinite governing authority.

Even in our day to day lives it is seen that every activity has a doer, every creation has a creator and every arrangement has a manager. Those who adhere to theism (the belief of faith in God) tend to put forth this very theory of actions and their fruits. In this manner they prove that God i.e. a governing cosmic authority does exist. Of course! The following question too can be asked: If every creation has a creator, God too must have been created by another creator? If someone refutes this argument saying that God is self manifested, a counter question can be asked: Why is it that this material world too is not self manifested? Meaning why should this material world need a creator to create it?

In this manner there is no end to questions and counter questions, arguments can counter arguments etc. In order to flaunt ones intellectual prowess many so called logical arguments can be put forth so as to run down ones opponent. Thus it is very essential that if one is a seeker of absolute truth one has to give up all mental prejudices including this burning desire of flaunting ones ‘brains’. A very focused and taintless mind is the need of the hour and only then one can unfold the underlying reality of this material world.

Does God exist or not? This question is not that important in comparison to the following question: How exactly was this world created eons ago? Who created it? Both these questions have created a lot of differences as far as various answers given to them are concerned. Modern scientists say that inert molecules on their own unite to form various objects of the world and thus this world coming into existence is a result of it. All the various objects combined together along with conscious forces to form this world of matter. According to theists every object has a creator and hence the entire world too should be having a creator that is conscious in nature. This creator is called Almighty God by theists. Theists have 2 predominant beliefs: First that God’s subtle form is a witness (Saakshi) of this cosmos. Meaning God controls this world just as a puppeteer controls movements of his puppets. Secondly this entire world is a gross manifestation of God’s subtle infinite form. Hence they say that every movement of each animate/inanimate being of the cosmos is directed by the presence of God’s subtle form present in every pore of the cosmos. The macro form of God is cosmic consciousness and micro form is all individual souls/creatures/living beings of this gigantic material world.

Over here the need of the hour is to deeply cogitate over the above mentioned beliefs. If we accept the theory of modern science which says that the world came into being because of union of various atoms and molecules, a new question crops up viz. every living being has an ego or ‘I’ and hence does science also say that this ego is also the creation of union of atoms? If scientists reply in the affirmative one more question arises viz. do various machines like computers, nuclear reactors, cars, trains etc invented by modern science too possess an ego or ‘I’? Apart from this do rivers, hills, grains, ores etc have an ego? Do they have the capacity to think for themselves and take decisions in an intellectual manner? Do these machines express emotions like love, hatred etc towards others? Do their souls harbor aspirations, thoughts and activity of any kind? If this were true all inert objects would make various plans and execute various activities like any other living being.

The main point to be discussed is whether consciousness is the underlying substratum of inert matter or whether inert matter is the substratum of consciousness. Matter possesses its own distinct characteristics. When different types of matter unite new materials are created whose qualities differ from their ‘parent’ materials. Chemistry is a subject that deals with union of various chemicals. On the face of it, it seems acceptable when scientists argue that if 2 different chemicals can combine and create electric sparks why can’t they create consciousness? Its counter argument says that no doubt when 2 chemicals combine a new substance is created but the fact remains that this new substance lacks intelligence. Water exposed to fire results in creation of steam and yet this steam lacks intelligence. Friction does create light and electricity but do they possess intelligence? Modern man has invented some mind boggling technology and machinations. Many super computers are known to give information more accurately and speedily than the human intellect. And yet they do not have the capacity to think on their own. We must always remember that these computers have the above amazing capabilities only because it was man’s intellect that designed its technology. Even space crafts, rockets etc sent to interstellar space function only when it is remotely controlled by scientists on Earth. Further these machines, computers, space crafts etc have no power whatsoever to decrease or increase their skills to carry out their various functions. If some technical problems arise in these machines it is the human intellect that corrects them. And hence how can inert matter create consciousness? So we can conclude safely that although the combination of various material objects produce new materials yet, these new materials lack intelligence. Consciousness possesses wisdom and intelligence. That entity which lacks wisdom although it possesses movement cannot be called consciousness.

All important scientific achievements to date are the result of the scientific intellect of mankind. If this were not the case nature’s electrical force would have pointed at its existence long back. Electricity would have functioned in an amazing manner as it does today, eons ago. Energy found in matter can merely induce physical movements in them. Bang opposite to this consciousness has an original quality of self wisdom/knowledge. Although radium, uranium etc manifest intense energy yet it cannot think and lacks self knowledge. It can work only when it is guided by an intelligent human brain. Many scientists say that energy and consciousness are synonymous but this thinking is erroneous.

Consciousness does not exist in matter and neither matter exists in consciousness. This is because both have their own importance and existence. But yes both work in tandem with one another. Consciousness gets the chance of fulfilling its desires and aspirations from material nature. In turn consciousness enhances the utility value of matter so as to make apt use of it in ones daily transactions. Our worldly life definitely reflects this observation. Even the very basis of cosmic creation should be accepted as this.

Modern science believes that only what can be proved scientifically should be accepted as true. But credit should be given to these scientists who do not say that only what is known as of today is the ultimate knowledge and that nothing more remains to be known. As a result modern science cannot be called atheistic because the door of their intellectual curiosity is wide open so as to continuously aspire for new knowledge. Although scientists do not accept God as visualized by atheists there lies a great possibility that these very scientists will march ahead to prove the independent existence of consciousness. Thus the onus lies on true atheists to have faith that in future modern science too will prove the existence of cosmic consciousness called Almighty God by laymen.

The cosmos is well managed and well controlled and works on the basis of certain cosmic laws. This too proves the existence of God. Everyone accepts that there exists a doer behind every action executed and that every design has a designer. Agra’s Taj Mahal (India) is one of the 7 wonders of the world. Every day 20,000 workers were required to build this great monument and as per data given by knowledgeable historians, 6 crore rupees were spent. Totally 18.5 years passed by before Taj Mahal was built completely. The materials used were Rajasthan’s marble, Tibetan sapphire, Sinhal island’s jewels, Punjab’s diamonds and Baghdad’s topaz. A single individual’s intellect was working behind all the minute arrangements to build this historical tomb. His name was Shah Jehan and has today become a very famous historical ruler.

Korea’s Melolium is the 2nd wonder of the world. The 4 walls of it are 62 hands long and 62 hands wide. Within it there are 36 pillars which are 40 hands tall which are thick at the base and become thinner in the upward direction. On the ladder right from the base to the top region very precious statues made of marble have been installed. This famous shrine was built by the great artist duo Paithis and Matiram. Yet the main intellect which directed them to build this great wonder was their Queen Artimisia.

The Jupiter idol of Olympia was 25 feet high and 20 lakn rupees were spent to construct it. This was the result of an intense heartfelt desire on the part of Athen’s Emperor Paraclis. The Diana temple of Iphisas is the dream of Chandfin that came true. Acharya Sunanda of Pravar Sen Era is the brain behind the 26 caves of Ajanta that had 5 temples and also the 24 Buddhist monastries. The Sikandaria light pillar was built by Sikandar. The Hanging Garden of Babylon was built by the then Babylon ruler. Rome’s Colosius, Pisa’s Leaning Tower, Rhode’s idol, Egyptian Pyramids, the images of Sistine Chapel Pietti, Paris’s Eiffel Tower, American White House, Delhi’s Red Fort etc were all the creation of great minds with pure hearts. Thus any material object of the world can never be the result of self creation and hence a creator is always a part and parcel of any creation.

If such small materials cannot be created without a creator/doer how can we say that this gigantic cosmos with its brilliant sun, stars, planets etc has come into existence without a creator? Night gives solace to tired people, stars give us light, weathers keep coming and going at their appointed hour and so on and so forth. Every creature gets its required food items, wind and water arrangements go on smoothly and thus Mother Nature is on her toes round the clock for the well being of all creatures. If there had been no cosmic intelligence behind world’s creation these innumerous stars and galaxies would have been out to ‘kill’ one another. If we allege that there is no calculation involved in the designing of the cosmos how could we humans predict that at a particular date/time/year solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, winter/summer solstices etc will occur? Such a mastery of cosmic creation is impossible to achieve without a creator who is omniscient, who can hear each and every cosmic sound vibration, who can make such apt cosmic laws and mete out impeccable justice to each and every animate/inanimate object of the cosmos.

Without a controller apt arrangements can never be made. Without a government a country becomes chaotic and anarchic. We can argue that for a short time span things can go on functioning smoothly without a controller or a government. But the fact is that our cosmos has existed for billions and billions of years and hence it becomes obvious that for it to exist for such a gigantic time span, a cosmic intelligence/creator definitely is at work round the clock for its smooth functioning. In many households it is the elderly members who direct household activities by taking apt decisions. A village has a chief who is answerable to the regional chief. The latter takes orders from a collector who in turn takes orders from the states chief. And the final head of a country is a President. In mills and industrial concerns if there were no managers and directors, the entire business goes haywire. Hence just think that if a company can go topsy-turvy without a director/manager how can the infinite cosmos function smoothly without a creator with its cosmic intelligence? Inert objects may possess energy but they certainly cannot have intelligence. Cosmic laws can be made only by a conscious/intelligent principle. Thus we can safely say that God definitely exists.

Many years back an article was published in the National Herald which said: Why do scientists have faith in God’s existence? The scholarly author wrote: Every atom of the material world works on the basis of a well defined cosmic law. Assuming that even a minute deviation from this law takes place, the very existence of this gigantic cosmos will be at stake. A blast lasting for a mere second can set fire to infinite nature and thus this cosmos can come to naught.

The very fact that certain cosmic laws exist proves that a cosmic intelligence exists. Our very existence depends on the sun shining brilliantly in the sky. It sends its rays from a distance of 10 crore, 30 lakh miles and the time taken to do so is 8 seconds. During day time so many means of comfort are gathered that our night passes by undisturbed. In this cycle of day and night even if one day or night is added or subtracted our lives will go haywire. From the sun’s standpoint our planet Earth is as insignificant as a drop in the gigantic ocean. Hence what to say of the importance of the existence of an ant living in the hut of a big snow clad mountain of Siberia? Despite this even this ant lives a life of joy in its own way.

And yet as an when necessary Almighty God uses his potential to destroy for managing his existence aptly. He creates such situations of destruction that all living beings start trembling with fear. This situation is created solely with the aim of awakening untold spiritual potential in mankind. A worldly father tolerates his beloved child’s tantrums and mischief only so long as it is not hurting anyone else. The father scolds or reprimands his children so as to discipline them. In the long run it benefits the child greatly when he/she become adults. Similarly Almighty God lovingly disciplines his children (all creatures) time and again by creating scary and fear oriented situations. God’s name is synonymous with discipline. Every pore of this cosmos is pervaded by a disciplined cosmic law. The more man disciplines and controls his mind and intellect the more he becomes the lord of his self. In this world nothing lies beyond the boundaries of discipline. Planets, stars, galaxies etc of interstellar space are all controlled by cosmic laws. The beneficial arrangement of creation, propagation and transformation exist everywhere. All living beings and inanimate objects complement each other’s requirements. Procreation and sexual passion help increase the lineage of all creatures and this is an amazing cosmic arrangement. Atoms and molecules of various objects are so well arranged that none ‘bang’ against one another. If this were not the case there would be mayhem and chaos in this world. Our bodily cells exhibit their own independent existence and with each others help they carry out well managed activities like digestion, excretion, blood circulation etc. Look around everywhere, in all directions and it will be crystal clear that discipline predominates. Even famines, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones etc are not accidental because at their very roots certain cosmic principles are at work. It is only our gross superficial eye which calls these natural calamities accidental or ‘chance’ occurrences. In reality they are not so because an underlying disciplinary arrangement is at work for world well being. It is none other than Almighty God.

At the superficial level waves of the ocean seem to be separate entities and yet they are nothing but manifestations of that one single gigantic ocean. Similarly all rays of the sun put together are the scorching sun itself. Society is nothing but a congregational form of various individuals. The tiniest unit of the world is an atom and all of them put together are called the cosmos. The individual souls ‘add up’ to form the cosmic soul and this is called God by all devotees of all religions. All individuals of the world breathe from that same infinite ocean of air which is akin to infinite fish surviving in a single gigantic ocean. The underlying principle of all beings is cosmic consciousness/God. This cosmos is a congregation of atoms and molecules. Although the existence of various creatures and material objects appears to be separate and yet they all are nourished by the underlying infinite ocean of consciousness albeit invisible to the gross human eye. All of them are created and nourished in this divine ocean. This super vital force and super disciplining power is called God.

Neither can the leg see itself nor can the hand see itself. It is only the light of the eye that helps in their visualization. Even the eye cannot see itself although the light of visualization is present in it. And hence it is more difficult for the hand, leg etc to see this light present in the eye. Thus an important question needs to be asked: How can our sense organs like eye, ear etc perceive divine consciousness when they themselves are created from inert matter? Thus just because our sense organs fail to experience cosmic consciousness i.e. God can we err and conclude that God does not exist? The fact of the matter is that God can be experienced but the condition is that our mind and intellect which are gross must be refined and focused. A taintless (lack of lust, greed, hatred etc) and subtle mind can sure enough experience God’s presence albeit subtly during higher flights of meditation. Inert matter can measure another inert matter. For example a speedometer can measure the speed of a car. A measure tape can measure the length of one’s skirt, pant etc. Similarly only consciousness can experience consciousness. It is not difficult at all for a pure and focused psyche to experience God consciousness.

The great thinker Pascal said: Just because something is at present beyond our ken it does not therefore mean that it does not exist. A few centuries back there was not even a minor talk of radio, TV, computer etc. Even in the ancient past this matter did not cross the minds of great people of those times. Before an invention or discovery takes place a thought process commences in the psyche of some great scientist. Even at such times there is no proof of its existence externally simply because the invention is yet in its stage of invisible thought. This did not deter scientists to work hard in their laboratories so as to convert this thought process into a reality (example the idea of a computer not seen by the world initially is actually proved by designing a computer for all to see). Thus various inventions which were first only a concept/idea in the minds of a few great scientists not perceived by the rest of the world were actually made concrete for one and all to experience in a visible manner.

It is certainly not wise to insist that God does not exist just because he is beyond the ken of the 5 sense organs and advanced scientific machines. God is consciousness in nature. Even the substratum of the inert world of matter consists of many forces albeit invisible to the human eye. Great researchers full of faith that these forces do exist put in a lot of effort and money to prove their existence. As against this if they had insisted in a prejudiced manner that since these forces are invisible to the human eye and hence they do not exist, scientists would have not conducted research and reap success in discovering these important forces. And thus the fabulous advancement seen in the arena of modern science would not have been attained if prejudices had not been set aside.

Thus it is absolutely clear that the creator of this world (God) is a great mathematician, engineer, doctor, weather forecaster and nuclear scientist. If we insist on denying God’s existence we are ourselves opening the dire doors of a tremendous material/spiritual downfall. Hence it is most required that we make great efforts in attaining God realization which is the gateway to eternal, infinite bliss (Ananda). Anyone who attains God Realization has attained the supreme goal of human life.

One can easily perceive the cosmic management skills of the creator of this cosmos by studying the process of manifestation of life in this inert world. All the requirements in order that life sustains in this world are present in abundance. Without air living beings cannot live even for a minute and hence air has been supplied in abundance. Water too is equally important for sustenance of life and it can be procured with minimum efforts. Another requirement is food. Those creatures who cannot cook food are supplied with fruits, roots, raw vegetables etc. Human beings who possess a sharp intellect first earn money to procure grocery and then cook it in the way they so desire. Thus without these arrangements of air, water, food etc supply how could life sustain even for a moment in this inert world? And hence can we even then insist that no creator (God) exists?

It is not as though only creatures of the world are required to adhere to cosmic principles based on ethics and spiritual values. This is because the creator or God Almighty too follows these principles implicitly. Consider a situation where a fetus is exposed to the external world for growth instead of allowing it to mature in its mother’s womb. Obviously the fetus would die in the external environment because of lack of proper temperature, air, water etc. A mother’s womb is most required for the immature fetus since it ensures that air, water etc are fed to it in an appropriate manner which is conducive for its smooth growth. Again does this not prove that an invisible intelligent force is at work which laymen call God?

Before a child is born its mother’s breast is ‘packed’ with easily digestible milk. This is sheer compassion on the part of Almighty God to make this arrangement for every new born babe. This newborn child who is fragile and dependent on others for sustenance is provided with not only material needs but also emotional needs. Its sensitive/emotional requirements are fulfilled by its immediate family first and society too at a macro level. And yet alas! This very fragile child who later matures into an adult simply because of aid from its family and society not only ignores his duty towards them but also pompously challenges: Where is God?

In spite of all this, the compassionate Lord, who is the Holy Father of all creatures, instills fatherhood, sexual passion etc. in the psyche of every young individual so that when he marries, he can sire children. The institution of marriage is meant for the fulfillment of the emotional needs of both men and women. Meaning the husband fulfills his wife’s emotional needs and vice versa. God has given both of them a healthy body and the capacity to face trials and tribulations in life. The RBC and WBC of blood help fight germs that try to make our bodily diseased. He has given us eyes which can see things, ears which can hear sound and a mind that can think. It is beyond doubt that God is a master creator because the eyes, ears, minds, intellect designed by him cannot be designed even by the most brilliant human brain of this world. God’s intelligence is so razor sharp which can be perceived by us on analyzing the structure of the eye’s retina, the ear drums, pumping of the heart etc. Can we thus not conclude that no human engineer can match the engineering capacity of Almighty God? Only God can be the most skillful designer of the cosmos who compassionately has given us a brilliantly designed human body so as to achieve the supreme goal of a human life viz. God/Self Realization. Hence if we insist on arrogantly challenging the very existence of God it is we who will be on the losing end. As far as God is concerned he continues to shower his grace equally on those who challenge his existence and those who are unswervingly devoted to him.

And yet God’s benign grace does not end here. Just as sparks pervade fire, atoms pervade matter and light rays pervade the sun so too Almighty God in the form of divine consciousness is seated in the cave of the hearts of all creatures without exception and silently/invisibly urges them all to aspire for higher material and spiritual goals. The moment a vile thought arises in ones mind which can lead one in an unethical direction, God seated in our heart lovingly ‘nudges’ us not to do so. Despite this man refuses to listen to his conscience and continues his unwholesome activities. Initially such a person might be seen living a life of luxury and pomp but sure enough his vile deeds catch up only to induce misery, pain, diseases and strife in ones life. And yet man’s desires are so infinite in number that many remain unfulfilled and hence is reborn in species like animal, birds, bacteria etc. Over here it must be noted that God continues to remain by the side of each creature whether in a downfallen state or that of an uplifted state. All along our compassionate Lord Almighty eggs us on to give up vile actions and instead aspire for higher material and spiritual goals that are inspired by ethics, values, integrity, service etc. If one pays heed to God’s voice in ones heart indeed one can attain eternal, infinite and divine bliss. But alas! Deluded man refuses to listen to this divinely compassionate counsel and thus remains thirsty like a deer chasing illusory water of a dessert mirage. The veil of Maya (illusion) is so powerful that man wastes his precious life chasing illusory material objects and thus there is no end to his woes.

Scientists do not out rightly claim that a controlling power exists subtly in every atom of the cosmos whose nature is divine consciousness. According to the great scientists Herbert Spencer God is a cosmic power who controls every cosmic activity just as a village head rules his village, a governor rules his state and a President rules his country. All of us follow the rules of our country as per its constitution because we fear that by not doing so we will face penalty, fines and jail sentences. We are free to act aptly or in an undesirable manner. Despite this we adhere to ethics and values because if we refuse to do so there is the fear of being punished by the court of law. All these observations point out to the fact that most definitely, an invisible supreme authority (God) does exist in this gigantic cosmos. Only a man who scrupulously follows ethics and imbibes human/spiritual values in life can truly be called fearless. This fact too proves that like his father Almighty God, he too loves all creatures equally and will mete out justice in a fair manner to one and all.

Author's Bio: 

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e-books visit: http://www.shriramsharma.com/ and http://www.awgp.org/ DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Chakra Meditation-ESP, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Thought Free Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or Divine Energies, Future Scientific Religion, Gayatri Science & Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books ultra sound telepathy parapsychology metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi pollution yoga tantra movies internet hypnotism ecology astrology ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgery lasers ozone radar stress creativity archeology Indus Valley Civilization fuel crisis food scarcity tsunamis biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton