The buzz around with English movies on TV channels has gone way ahead. People talk about action in theatres but the action on small screens is liked by TV viewers. TV channels are growing big with the kind of entertainment they showcase through the channels. The variety and glamour on TV channels has received a new phrase that is liked by the viewers. Thanks to the kind of movies being released! In few months after a super hit movie is released in the theaters, it is showcased on the TV. And with technically friendly and quality HD TV options available for the TV lovers, the fun and craze for watching a favorite movie on TV is something else. Movies that make you laugh, giggle or the animations that lift you on your seats are coming up in large numbers. And when you have an action movie with lots of comedy, thrill and animations added to make it look glamorous, it is liked by all.

As far as movies on TV are concerned, the market is dominated by English action movies. Today people talk about noise, action, thrill and a perfect story to keep them glued in front of the TV for 2 to 3 hours. The era of action movies has changed from original black and white ones to highly animated and featured films. High end quality TV sets support the movies from end to end. For those who hardly find time to get out in to the theaters and watch their favorite movie, it is a gift to watch them at home on the TV channels. Considering the growing fame and demand from TV viewers, more shows of English action movies are being telecasted. Movies like Predators, I Spy, Lord Of The Rings, Fast and Furious, were a big hit, not just in theatres but on TV’s too.

Where kids sit on the tip of their seats while watching adventure action movies like Harry Potter, Batman, and Spy Kids, the ladies get their chance when movies like Charlie’s Angels and Lara Croft are showcased. One of the reasons of increase in popularity for action movies is they are articulated with animations, graphic, stunts, and some comedy. People definitely love to watch a comedy movie at home to release the day’s stress. When the action movies include some comedy, it is like a cherry on the cake for the viewers.

The thrill with English action movies on TV has increased due to following obvious reasons

• More shows of the same movie are scheduled on TV channels. Viewers can plan to be there in front of the TV to watch their favorite movie when it is being telecasted. You can know the movie schedule in advance as well.

• No more long breaks! Today the English movie channels avoid adding too many breaks in between. With this, people can afford to watch any movie at home on the TV without getting bored.

• HD TV channels offer a theatre-kind movie outlook

• With home-theatre system, and 3D movies the thrill to watch them at home is different

Author's Bio: 

Anusha Jain is an expert writer of entertainment sector. Here she expresses her ideas on Hollywood movies.