The law of attraction states that we get in life what we focus on. So if you're down in the dumps focusing on your faults, your lack, limitations and what you don't like about your self, then the chances are that you're attracting that similar negativity into you life. If you have a low opinion of yourself, chances are that you're probably attracting people and situations in your life that correspond with your belief.

Fortunately- the converse is true a well! If you have a lot of self respect, self love and therefore self esteem, chances are that you're attracting a lot of positive people and situations in your life that reflect your high energy vibe.

As Henry Ford once said:

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."

So why not choose the higher energy path and boost your self esteem by seeing the best in your self and growing that feeling every day of your life.

Some of the 10 best Self Esteem Exercises that I personally love are:

Make it a habit from this day forth, and stop all negative talk about yourself, your past, your achievements and your circumstances. If you feel some negativity bubbling forth, then simply replace it a positive statement such as, "I may not be my ideal weight, but I am looking after my health much better; and I commit to adding more healthy food and habits into my life"
Write down a list of your positive traits, achievements and abilities - no matter how small you think they are. Read this list at least twice a day, and add to it daily.
Infuse your mind with positive ideas every day. Read an inspiring article, watch a motivating video on the internet, speak a positive friend or colleague every day.
Re-write any negative or painful experiences by finding the lessons in them that will and have helped you to grow and low your self more.
Get your goals down on paper, and take baby steps on them every day.
Find one great thing about yourself, and focus on it for the whole day. Do this every day.
Update your personal style by keeping up to date with the latest trends. Update your hair, make up and clothes.
See the best in yourself and others and don't take someone else's negativity personally. There issues have nothing to do with you.
Take 10 - 15 minutes a day to just rest and do nothing by relax your mind. You deserve it.
Express your passion in what ever way works for you every day. If you like music, art, food or anything that makes you feel good - immerse your self in it everyday even if just for 5 - 10 minutes. It's all about you feeling good!

Remember that self esteem development is a journey of love and discovery, and not a destination. Love and grow a little every day, and make sure you're feeling good! Now go out there and have your best self esteem year ever!

Author's Bio: 

Celebrity Charisma is what we all crave - but dare not admit! Discover Self Esteem Exercises to feel great about yourself! Wouldn't it be great to be more attractive? More Seductive? More powerful and engaging? Can you imagine how your life would change when you start to attract people to you - easily! Thankfully you don't need wads of cash, years or pain to appear more attractive and commanding. Just get the right system, tips and techniques and get that man or women, win that client and get celebrity wow now!