Pregnancy is considered to be one of the critical state for women’s body that is very much essential to keep the proper markings of child’s birth. In order to ensure a healthy pregnancy with safety women has to be very crucial with their body during such condition.

In such a condition it is advised that pregnant women should keep track of the events happening at their body. Your doctors by the help of this track which you have maintained throughout can provide you with better and extensive medical support if required.

Generally all the pregnancy stages are accompanied with various changes which include unique characteristics of the baby. Usually there are three pregnancy stages namely first, second and third trimesters.

First trimester: The first stage of pregnancy host massive changes and characterized with abundant changes. This stage could be a difficult one for the first time mothers as they would be experiencing a different kind of change in body accompanied with several new symptoms. Few symptoms are like tiredness, nausea, vomiting, increase of body mass and changes in the size of breast. During this time women generally experience excessive urination as the hormones circulates inside the blood.

Moreover at the beginning of the first stage the fetus grow almost a size of a hazelnut and starts showing the signs of locomotive abilities and heartbeat. This is a stage when mother required extensive care and medical checkups. This is done in order to ensure proper development of the fetus and making the first time mothers aware of the pregnancy related symptoms. Even proper nutritious diet is needed to be maintained throughout the entire pregnancy stages.

Second Trimester. The second stage starts with many more changes. During 6th week the body figure changes dramatically and much more pronounced contractions took place. This is known as Braxton Hicks contractions. This is the stage when mother could feel the increase of the belly due to the growth of the fetus. The second stage extends till the 20 or 22nd week of pregnancy. At the end of the 22nd week uterus grow down to the navel and several changes like production of most nutritious milk (colostrums) forms in mother’s breast. Other discoloration and pigmentation also occurs during this stage but disappears after child’s birth.

Ultimately, at the end of this stage there are several signs of fetus development. And the fetus grows upto 22 to 25cm by height and may weight around one or half pounds. Even mothers can experience movement like kicking.

Third Trimester. The last or the third stage is known as the preparation time for child’s birth. At this stage body mass will so increase that it gives intolerable pain at the lower back portion of mother’s body. This stage is also and preparatory stage for mothers to get accustomed with childbirth exercises and breastfeeding. This stage is the most uncomfortable one among all the other of pregnancy stages. This is because this stage includes aggressive symptoms like frequent urination uncontrolled bladder activity, leg cramps, lower back pain and many other pronounced problems of pregnancy.

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Find the most effective treatment for infertility and get pregnant naturally with tested tips from experts on how to get pregnant and carry it to term comfortably.