Life is a journey? How are you experiencing it? Do you feel that you belong? Many light workers do not experience a sense of belonging. They do not feel that they belong to their biological family. They remember feeling different, not accepted and even ostracized as a child. They remember being discouraged from using and developing their gifts. Many of us have experienced an uneasiness about truly connecting with earth life, feeling that it’s better or more sacred somewhere else and wanting to ascend and leave the planet as soon as possible.

The truth is that we belong in ourselves and to ourselves. We belong here on earth and the earth belongs to us. We belong here in this universe and the universe belongs to us. When we really feel a sense of belonging, we experience contentment. We are happy to be here and be of service.

With this belonging comes the responsibility to care for, love and nourish ourselves and the earth. We can choose to enjoy life. We can choose to enjoy day-to-day living on this beautiful, wondrous planet. We can feel glad to belong to the earth and have the opportunity to ground and express more love. We can feel glad to be here and take advantage of opportunities presented.

Ponder this: What do you feel is beneath you? Do you feel that living on earth is beneath you? Release any judgment of self or other connected with this feeling of separation. Choose to embody a sense of belonging, for yourself, the planet and the universe. Belonging is the key to Oneness, the key to feeling One with All That Is.

Belonging gives us a reason to be here. It allows us to be a living point of consciousness in the world. Belonging sets up the necessary gravitational tension in one point in time. When we have a sense of belonging, we have a point of gravity. We have a strong sense of belonging here on the planet. An excellent affirmation for belonging is,“There’s no one else I’d rather be. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

Each of us is unique. We are the same but different as a way of expression. Each of us has special gifts and talents that we bring to the world. It is up to us to develop and share our gifts and talents from a space of love, so that others may blossom and grow from knowing us and being in our presence, so that we may fulfill our plan, mission and purpose.

Feel into your own heart’s knowing. Are you honoring your uniqueness? What is the next step for you to take to more fully ground and express your special abilities? As we honor and accept ourselves in our uniqueness from a space of humility and choose to serve, so do we support our sense of belonging, our reason to be. Let us choose to embrace the truth of our belonging and uniqueness.

We are also self determining. We determine our reality. What we focus on is what we create in our lives. If we focus on what we lack and don’t want, we create more of that. If we focus on what we are moving towards – unconditional love, compassion, our highest truth, courage, joy, wholeness – we expand to more fully embrace all the wonder life has to offer. It’s a choice, and we make that choice in each and every moment.

If you are dissatisfied with your life, make a new choice and take a first step to manifest that choice. “Just do what needs to be done. It may not be happiness, but it is greatness.” – Michael King.

We have the ability to control how we respond. We are capable of producing a desired result. We have the ability to “make things happen”. Let us affirm, “I am in control of my life in an uncertain world. Mother/Father God, give me what I need to grow and expand.”

As we are unique, belong and determine our reality, so are we worthy. Worthiness comes from feeling really useful. “ I’m glad to be me. I’m glad I belong. Life is a wondrous opportunity and I choose to enjoy it. I choose love, which binds us all together. I choose to feel One with All That Is.” It is a mistake to reward sameness in ones within our sphere of influence, especially our children. Let’s encourage uniqueness, and allow the ones we love and nurture to enjoy being different and gifted.

A sense of belonging, uniqueness, self-determination and worthiness are the four pillars of a healthy self-esteem. As we ground the pillars on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), we become more source sovereign. We are able to spiritualize matter more fully, and make a greater difference for ourselves, our families, communities and beyond.

Go to for a variety of classes which will assist you to uproot and remove any unhealthy pillars in your foundation, any pillars that are not serving your optimal growth, and replace them with a sense of belonging, uniqueness, worthiness and self-determination. Check out as well.

Happy travels. Lots of love to your beautiful hearts, Arlene

Author's Bio: 

Arlene (Founder and Publisher of The New Age Tribune, received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (1978), and her Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky College of Law (1981). She is a partner in the law firm of Miller & Cohen, P.C. in Longmont, Colorado USA, and practices commercial law with her husband and best friend, John.

As a professional, Arlene is grateful to have the opportunity to re-imprint the Akashic Records with a new way of being in the business world that is anchored in unconditional love, compassion and unity and harmony consciousness. The Akashic Records are an imprint of every thought, feeling, word or experience we have ever had and are used to guide all aspects of our lives. Arlene feels that being in a position to facilitate change in, of and for love, for the highest good of all concerned in the world of commerce and business transactions is a tremendous gift.

Arlene is a Reiki Master and Healer, and the mother of Jesse, Age 23, an Indigo and one of her greatest teachers. She is a Certified Cosmosis Facilitator and Mentor with the Cosmosis™ Academy of the Insight Foundation™ , teaches integrated ascension classes and co-facilitates a weekly Planetary Healing and World Harmony Meditation Group. Helping people transform their lives and the planet by releasing what no longer serves them and re-choosing self-acceptance, worthiness, courage and other sacred qualities, makes Arlene's heart sing. She chooses to embody and champion the ideal of love.

Arlene loves practicing Bikram (Hot) Yoga, hiking and skiing in the mountains of Colorado, being a positive force for Planetary Healing and helping to anchor the highest, clearest, brightest potential of the Golden Age on Earth now.

You can contact Arlene at and

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