“The Long and Winding Journey to the Light.”

Self Improvement Article by Shirley Carton ©.January 31, 2010.

It is a long journey from a poor, uneducated insignificant beginning in life and through the long journey to the end. The trials, the difficult times, the negative circumstances, and the trying, testing, unseen situations, that come against us along the way. They seem to be never ending and so persistent, determined to make some small positive changes within us.

We all try to juggle our challenges while we continue to get on with everyday responsibilities, but along life’s path, some challenges break us, we find it hard to deal with and recover from, and that is life.

When we can learn to live a spiritual life, we can learn to Laugh without joy. Hear every beautiful sound of nature. To see fully the important things in life. To love more deeply and to see things more clearly, with honesty. To smile, hug and laugh from the heart with sincerity. To live in gratitude for every moment. To abstain from hurting anyone, in any way including ourselves To give love and thanks for our breath, for our heart beating away 24 hours a day to keep us alive, and for this wonderful, wondrous, awesome universe that we are privileged to live in. We are truly blessed.
The most wonderful, great things big and small cannot, be purchased for any amount of money. The best things in life are free.

Choose to be happy. Everything in life is simply a choice.
Happiness keeps you Sweet. Trials keep you Strong.Sorrows keep you Human.Failures keep you Humble.Success keeps you Glowing,But Only Faith Keeps You Going!

Whatever you choose to Think, Speak and Do each moment is your Spiritual Message. The question is, Are you listening or talking.
Whatever we are doing each day, we can be in our spiritual centre if we choose to go there. Acting from wisdom produces good work.

When we have belief, faith and trust in God. Miracles Happen.
I know that I have been an imperfect human being, I know that I have made many mistakes and many wrong decisions. I know that I have unintentionally hurt a few people along the way. These parts of my life will haunt me forever and I pray for forgiveness everyday.

Personally, I have suffered the pain of abandonment, I have suffered greatly from mental, physical, and spiritual acts of violence from other people. The worst one being falsely accused and publicly humiliated when I am innocent of the accusation. This takes an enormous amount of courage and strength to overcome because mud sticks, it never goes away. There are always people who want to believe in the worst scenario’s. I have forgiven them in my heart, and let go of the pain, but I can never forget them.

Bridges are easy to burn but they take a long time to rebuild. Some can never be re-built because they are to badly damaged, and beyond repair.
However, through all my challenges, I have always been a good soldier and marched onward, and upwards, falling down and getting up again, diligently working to grow and change.

I have always pursued a personal relationship with God and with his help, I have overcome all of the obstacles that life presented to me.
I have also learned from them.
I feel now that I am closer to the end of this journey that I have truly given more than I have taken and that gives me peace.

My redeeming feature was learning how to pray correctly, to meditate, deep breath, strengthen my intuition and to listen to the small quiet voice within. Learning to trust my hunches, they usually come from facts that are stored away below your conscious level.
For many years ,I have had a daily regular regime of meditation, and this alone provided me with permanent peace and happiness bringing an internal sense of, I am worthy. I read the “I Am” poem constantly.

We can all receive wisdom, instructions, guidance, creative idea’s, and healing from God.
What does it take ? you may be asking.
It takes The desire to grow and change, courage, commitment, trust, faith, action, obedience, diligence, enthusiasm, a positive mind, an open heart, love, acceptance, through a regular regime of prayer and meditation.

Meditation is an awakening therapy for mind, body, spirit, and soul.
Your intuition becomes extremely sharp with practice, Your decisions, and choices come from wisdom, Your love for all humanity becomes stronger. The soul grows and returns to it’s original state of peace and love.

Are you ready to still your Human Mind?
Are you ready for Change?
Are you Hungry in your Heart?

This is to you who are choosing to live in negativity, decide to change your thoughts from negative to positive. When you change your thoughts from hate to love, your life will completely change. Become the master over your mind.
One positive thought, One positive word, One positive action by One person, has the power and the potential to change One life forever.

This is to you who thought you had found a good Spiritual Teacher, only to find that they had human faults and weaknesses.
Therefore, Here you are again, Soul Weary, Spiritually Hungry, and not knowing where to turn.

This is to you who have sometimes obtained a glimpse of Truth only to find when you reached for it-it disappeared. Prayer and will show how to recognize True truth.

This is to you whose soul is weary, discouraged, and almost depleted of hope. How do you define yourself? Who do you think you are? How do you value yourself? You are a special one of a kind human being. There is not another just like you. You are unique and special. You are perfect as you are. You have the seeds of greatness planted deep within you.

Rise up and free yourself from all self-doubt NOW. Live your life from the inside. There you will find your Divine Self, your own true self-trying to teach you all you need to know. Every answer is within you waiting for you to listen.

Whatever you want to do or see while you are here on this earth. Where ever you want to go. Whatever you want to be. Make your plans today, there are only so many tomorrows.
Now Is all there is. Now is all that exists. Now will never come again.

The divine order is that we move into wholeness at some point in our evolution, and of course, this evolution is determined by the choices we make everyday. Choose to focus on life not death. Faith not fear. Giving rather than giving up. Love not hate and Service to others rather than self-pity.

" There's only one small corner of the universe that is worth improving and that is yourself." (Aldous Huxley)

May these words improve your life, awaken your spirit, cleanse your soul, renew your mind, heal your body and open wide your heart. May good things begin to just ‘happen’ in such a way they almost seem to fall right into your lap. This is my prayer for you.
All things are possible when you believe they are.

This free Video may bring you inspiriation and comfort.
Believe in Yourself video by shirley carton.

Thankyou for taking your time to read this article.

www.stepswa.com.au. www.shirleycarton.com.au
e-mail shirley@stepswa.com.au

Author's Bio: 

Shirley Carton is the Co-Founder of the STEPS personal, and spiritual transformation program and the Author of two books. ”Discover the Power of Thoughts.” and “Letting Go of the Past- At Last.” and a free Video, “ Believe in Yourself.”