There is only one power in the universe. It is the creative force in our own thoughts and imagination.

There is no enemy on the outside, but an enemy that we create within. We are told, there is only one God, and beside Him there is No Other. As the story goes in scripture, in the beginning there was only God, and God’s power created the world. There was no mention of the Devil in the beginning. But out of the things that were created, suddenly the people believed in a powerful devil, a force that opposed God. The devil is merely a product of man’s own “vain imaginings”.

When you fight a non-existent devil, you only give reality to it. There is no Devil but the negation of God. If God is the symbol of man’s Faith, then the Devil is eternally the symbol of man’s Doubts. What power is seen as anti-god? It is man’s own doubts. It is man’s own doubts that defeats himself.

Doubts and worry are the little monsters that destroy success. It defeats us by defeating our faith. Suppose the journey to your success takes twenty steps, when you have doubt, you will not even begin to take the first step towards your goal and desires. You are defeated even before you begin. In fact, with doubt, you cannot even dare to imagine yourself succeeding even just for the sake of imagining it for the fun of it.

We live a life of faith versus doubts. Everyday in each area of our lives, faith and doubt are fighting each other. The battleground is our consciousness. We can only succeed when we finally realize that faith and doubt are the same power moving in opposing directions. When we realize that when we believe, and fear not evil(ie. the opposite to what we wish to achieve), then we shall succeed.

That is why the law of non-resistance is such an important law. Resist not evil, and it shall flee from you. Pay no heed to your doubts. Bring your mind back to your objective as often as possible.

But we all know most people spend most of their time either doubting or resisting their doubts. Both mental acts give greater reality to their doubts. That is the law of attraction working – whatever you focus on increases. The law of non-resistance says disregard your fears and negative thoughts, but do not resist or fight them, and just focus your attention on what you want. Just pretend that your doubts are powerless to change the fact that you are going to succeed. Believe that your faith is all powerful and your doubts are nothing. That is the true mental application of “There is only One Power, Only One God”.

Affirm to yourself “This word of success that I am speaking now is almighty and powerful that nothing in this world can oppose it. No person, no word, no action, no thought, no intention, absolutely nothing in this world has any power to oppose my success. My word of success now completely neutralizes every thought that are unlike itself. And it is done.”

Author's Bio: 

Charles Koh is the author of Creating Your Personal Reality(available from and Secret Techniques Of Manifesting With Imagination(an ebook manual available from his website