
Are you a business owner, or in an intensely active, high-pressure professional position? Do you wish you had more time to focus on your spiritual development, but don’t know when to do that? Here are three easy ways to incorporate your increased consciousness into your spiritual growth, and happily prosper:

1. Success Log: Everyone’s aware of gratitude journaling. It’s a regular accounting of what you appreciate about your day and your life. The process of documenting your gratitude functions effectively to rejuvenate your Spirit. But you feel too busy to sit down daily! That’s ok; here’s a more business-oriented suggestion for you: Create a Success Log. Store it on your computer as a document - a file that you add to weekly, or record it into your phone. Fit it comfortably into your weekly routine. The point is: track the manifestations of your intentions in one localized place that you easily access. Then, you have evidence right in front of your face that you’ve not lost your connection with your Spirit. Your intentions are powerful, and so are you!

2. “To Be” list on the other side of your, “To Do” list. That’s right, “The B-Side!” What professional adult doesn’t have a, “To Do” list of some kind? Balance your list of tasks with a concise list of qualities that maintain your peace of mind. For example, on your B-Side, write, “centered,” “loving,” “focused,” “connected.” Select whichever words make your heart and passion sing, and make sure to include them with your tasks. That way you continuously maintain alignment with your Spirit by organically weaving it into your work. Then you become more authentic, for yourself and in your service business.

3. Schedule Time for Self-Care: What? No time? I beg to differ! “Take the time before the time takes you!” You’re worth it. You cannot give from an empty well. And you know this. So schedule it. Prioritize yourself just as you prioritize your work. Again – you’re worth it! You have to be – if you don’t attend to your self-care needs, who will? Only you truly know the sweetness of your pure connection with Divinity. That’s what fueled your professional desire in the first place! Remember? Honor that connection by scheduling a blocking of time to connect with it. Once a week – five minutes/day, even – just do it. Start now. You’ll be glad you did.

For additional self-care tips, email me: now, with "Self Care Ahoy!"in the subject heading. You will receive, "The B-Natural Food for the Soul Self-Care & Maintenance Guide" as my gift to you. This concise yet comprehensive pdf guidebook includes a range of tips for taking care of body, mind, and spirit, as well as beautiful photographs of Kaua'i to ease your stress & enhance your enjoyment.

Miracles and blessings,
Dr. Renee

T. Renee Richardson, DD
"The AmBadassador of Light!"

Author's Bio: 

T. Renee Richardson, DD, "The AmBadassador of Light!" author, “Try This at Home! A Four-Step Guide to Practical Intuitive Development,” author, “The No Brain, No Gain Fastkine Dating Guide for Men…,” author, “The B-Natural Self-Care & Maintenance Guide,” contributing author: upcoming “SoulFree,” and author of upcoming, “Fiddy Grades of Yay!” metaphysical erotica collection, is a well respected, professional, potent healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to achieve their cutting-edge goals. She provides services via phone for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Her dedication to her path and her accuracy, compassionate detachment, authenticity, positive attitude and sense of humor have made her a sought after healer recognized worldwide.