There are so many ways to follow up with potential clients. Some are less direct than others, but still help you build a relationship and stay in touch with prospects. I’m going to share three of the easiest ways to warm up prospects and stay in touch.

1. Your Irresistible Free Offer and ezine

Your Irresistible Free Offer gives them a great product of yours to help potential clients get to know-like-trust you. In addition, this usually gets them registered for your ezine – your way to stay in touch with prospects and clients on a weekly basis. Pack it full of great content so they can see how much you know and imagine how much more they could learn if they decide to work with you.

2. Traditional Monthly Mailings via Snail Mail

Each month you can write a letter to prospects sharing your work with a particular client. Keep that person’s identity anonymous of course, but use your interactions to showcase your work and the difference you make. This is a way to highlight yourself as the problem solver and connect with prospects by writing about issues they can relate to.

In addition, sending a monthly letter keeps you on a prospect’s radar screen over and over again, beyond your ezine.

3. Pick Up the Phone and Be Authentic

Let’s say you have your eye on 10 specific prospects this month that you want to deepen the relationship with. To take them from cold to warm, warm to hot and hot to ready-to-buy can be as simple as picking up the phone. When you get them on the line, just be really authentic and say something like, “Hi, its _____. I was thinking about you. If there’s anything I can do for you…” Or try, “I’m checking in to see how you are doing.”

Just be you and don’t go in for the kill. The reason is because if you go in for the kill, you won’t feel good and the person on the other end of the line can sense it. It’s too much for them and might cause people to put up their walls of resistance.

So don’t look to make the sale. Instead, add value and think about this like you really are checking in. Recognize that you do care about each person. Then you’ll be coming from an authentic place of serving which is so much more appealing. Of course if the discussion feels positive, you can always move into your closing the sale conversation.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Have you written and sent any mailings with case studies that highlight you as the problem solver? These letters can have a tremendous impact on prospects who are considering working with you. Set an hour aside this week to make some notes and write your first letter. Then be sure to send it out!

Author's Bio: 

Fabienne Fredrickson is founder of, ranked on the Inc. 500/5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies in 2011. is devoted to teaching entrepreneurs around the world how to consistently attract ideal, high-paying clients, put their marketing on autopilot, shift their mindset towards abundance and take a no-excuses approach to creating a highly successful and meaningful business, while working less. Through her workshops, courses, coaching programs, and products, Fabienne shows her students how to go from 5-figures to 6-figures in their business and then from 6-figures to 7-figures, while experiencing freedom and creating an abundant life they love.

To order Fabienne’s FREE Audio CD, “How to Attract All the Clients You Need” by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit