“There is no reason not to follow your heart.” ~ Steve Jobs

When Steve Jobs died, I knew very little about him except that he was the co-founder and former chairman and CEO of Apple, and that his store has always been the highlight of our family visits to the mall.

Usually, when my daughter and I would come back to pick up my husband and the four boys from the store, we were sent back for another round of shopping because they needed more time. We’ve always wondered if they placed the Victoria Secret store strategically opposite the Apple store. In those moments of extra time, that’s where we often went and, needless to say, we didn’t mind…

On a more serious note, my knowledge of Steve Jobs was ridiculously small. After his death, while listening to his Stanford speech, it struck me that he not only left an amazing technology behind for all of us to consume, but that his spiritual legacy is filled with plenty of ingredients to nourish our Soul to the max, as well. Since our dreams lead us to the biggest expression of the biggest version of who we are, don’t we agree with Steve Jobs that there is no reason NOT to follow our heart?

His life was enormously successful because he walked his talk of: "Don't Let the Noise of Others' Opinions Drown Out Your Inner Voice.” Steve knew when to listen to the voice of his heart and surrender to the path to unfold.

When I jotted three of his lessons on a piece of paper, I felt so inspired that I stuck them on our fridge; and today I thought I just had to share them with you, too. These are excerpts from Steve Jobs’ quotes that I stuck on our fridge:

* “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

Take an example in your own life and flash back in time. Discover how one dot connected to the next one. Look back as far as you can. What’s your dream today? Check if your beliefs lead you in the right direction.

* “You’ve got to find what you love. Don’t settle. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. You've got to find what you love. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.”

In what area of your life do you settle for less? Let go of what doesn’t serve you. You can trust that the Universe always supports your dreams.

* “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. This sums it all up.”

What if you followed the truth of your heart? Where would it lead you? The word courage means to stand by one core. Only you can stand by your core. What would you want written on your tombstone? How do you want people to remember you? What is your legacy to leave behind? Don’t wait until “some day.” Your legacy is important!

Author's Bio: 

Using her own life as living proof that extraordinary choices lead to an extraordinary life, she expertly helps others do the same. She's a Soul Guidance Coach, radio host, bestselling author, and co-author with Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey and Deepak Chopra. As an international speaker, clairvoyant healer and mother of five, Saskia empowers you to move out of your comfort zone, break through your fears, and go after your heart’s desires. Get access to her free "21-Day Roadmap to Your Dreams" program here: http://www.YourSoulGuidance.com.