It is a natural human tendency to always want more. Just like you wouldn't want to stay in the first grade forever, you are always looking to grow and expand into different adventures whether they are new jobs, better relationships, exotic travel or more money.

If you pay attention you'll realize that new desires arise in you every day. And the incredible thing is that your new desires are created instantly in the non-physical realms. Just like in the book "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther Hicks, your Divine Self or Large Self instantly creates and begins to enjoy your every wish. Your only "job" is to get out of the way and let your Large Self create your desires and line up the means for you to experience them.

Sometimes your desires are simple like buying an incredible cup of coffee. Others seem much more complicated like attracting your ideal soul mate. However, in the non-physical it is just as easy to create a castle as it is to create a button. The mitigating factor in how quickly your desires manifest is you.

If there is something that you want and it hasn't manifested yet here are three tools you can use to help you get into alignment with your Large Self and allow your desires to come more quickly and easily.

Ask Once
Remember, ask and it is given. Your Large Self knows what you want the second you ask, and creates it instantly. When you continuously ask and wonder when your desire is coming it's like driving with a child in the car who every other minute asks, "Are we there yet?" Fortunately your Large Self in infinitely patient and doesn't become irritated with our incessant nagging.

Instead of asking for your desires over and over again do your best to forget about them. Know that they are on the way and go do something else like play with your pet, exercise, read, etc. When you are out of the way your Large Self can quickly line up the necessary people, events and places and your desires will manifest before you know it.

Raise Your Vibration
Notice how you feel about your desires. Are you excited? Fearful? Doubtful? Your emotions are a guide that will tell you how much you are in alignment with allowing your desires to come. If you find yourself feeling fear, doubt or any "lower" emotion just take note. Acknowledge your emotions for what they are, an indicator of what you are feeling in the moment. Allow yourself to remember that you are an infinitely powerful being capable of being, doing or having anything that you wish.

You can then engage in activities that make you feel happy and joyful. Dance. Sing. Call someone that makes you feel great. Do whatever you can to feel better as often as you can. When you raise your vibration it's easier to listen to and act upon the clues and inspiration your Large Self is trying to deliver.

Let the Divine do the Heavy Lifting
Divine Grace is always pouring in. Allowing Divine Grace to orchestrate your life is like moving a boulder with a backhoe as opposed to moving it with a pick and shovel.

Grace makes your life easier, more joyful and increasingly fulfilling. It's deceptively easy to let more Grace in….simply ask and then let go.

Everything that you have ever wanted is waiting for you, stored like water in a reservoir. Use the above tools each day and you notice the dam breaking. Soon all your desires will begin to flow to you easily and effortlessly and you’ll move on to bigger and better adventures.

Author's Bio: 

Would you like assistance in allowing more Grace into your life? Becky has been given a powerful gift of Grace and can initiate your enlightenment, assist you and your animal companions with physical healing, and empower you to create the life of your dreams. Visit her at and you’ll receive numerous resources to help you manifest all of your desires.