It can be safely said that there are no specific requirements as it relates to a soil type or soil pH when it comes to ideal planting conditions. Based on the growth of its taproots, the only issue that may arise is when it’s planted in soil that is compact and has very little pore space. It is also important to note that dill plants are able to reseed themselves, so you should consider planting in an area where they have adequate space to spread their roots.

Instructions for Planting

Ensure that you calculate the season of the last ice date you’ll be expecting because that is the time you want to begin sowing. Put seeds a quarter of an inch down into the soil and remember to thin your plants when they reach approximately 6 – 8 inches in length. These thinnings are loaded with health benefits and they can be eaten right off the plant.

You can begin growing your dill on the inside from as early as 4 weeks up to a month, before deciding to move it to the outdoors. When doing a transplant however, you should be mindful that it has a taproot and it will not do very well in a small pot. To guarantee that your plants will be able to grow throughout the latter parts of spring, being able to plant at least two each month is a good place to start.

Growing Dill in Containers and Flower Gardens

There are several types of Dill Plants, including those that come in a miniature size. Dill plants of this are kind are able to thrive in smaller spaces regardless of the fact that they might require more compost and water when compared their outdoor counterparts.

The leaves in full bloom can be very appealing to the eye, and it will also attract the attention of various pollinators including butterflies for instance. So whether it’s being used as a shady spot or as simple foliage plant, it will mix well with any other plants in the surroundings.

If there is a chance that you happen to have an abundance of fertile soil, then there’s no need for any additional fertilizer. By keeping a close eye on the number of nutrients in the soil the plant will grow with an extra sweet smell. Given that it has a taproot, the only thing it would really require is water especially if the climate is mostly hot and dry.

Author's Bio: 

Freelancer Writer And Blogging Expert.