A frugal person is a kind of person that is living a simple life and is very economical. This is the kind of person that lacks the interest on non-essential things and only focuses on the basic needs such as food, although they are quite economical too. Being thrifty can help you save for retirement and emergencies among other things. Below are some of the tips for frugal living in the home.

Have one small car

Despite the work you do or the size of the family, you can manage with only one car. There is no need to buy a car for yourself and your partner. It is also not recommended to purchase a big car like the SUV, rather go with a small one. They all serve the same purpose after all. This way you will have saved the money used to buy the fuel and the extra car. However, walking to work or school is the ultimate way of living a frugal life.

Get a small house

It is advisable to get a relatively small house that your household will be comfortable even though you afford a bigger house. This way you will have saved a lot of cash that you will have spent on paying for a big house. More so, renting a house is much cheaper than buying one when the insurance and cost of maintenance are inclusive.

Get secondhand product

Getting already used products such as clothes from a consignment store can help in saving some cash.

There are quite a number of stores, such as amazon and craigslist that sell secondhand products that are in good condition. There is no point of spending a lot of cash for something you can get at a cheaper prize.

Stop eating out

Research shows that eating at fast food restaurants is very expensive compared to cooking in the house.

For this reasons, if you want to be a frugal person, start buying groceries and cooking for yourself. Groceries are much cheaper. This way you will have saved and also maintained a healthy living.


Maintenance is important when opting to live a frugal lifestyle. This way you will minimize the habit of buying new things over and over. Therefore, you will save a lot. When you purchase something ensure that you learn how to maintain it this way it will last long.

Adapt better saving habit

Another way toward living a frugal lifestyle is adopting the saving habit. You should save the energy and gas. For example, stop the use of certain non-essential electrical appliances. And also, when cooking you should concentrate on one activity to ensure that you turn off the gas once the cooking is finished. This way you will cut down on both the electrical and gas bills every month. It is also good if you make your television free rather than paying for it every month. Another way of saving is by learning how to make repairs at home through the internet. This way you will never spend a dime in paying people to make repairs for you. Therefore, you will have saved a lot.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Elaine and I'm a self proclaimed "do it yourself addict". I am the mother of the best 11 year old boy ever and my husband's not too shabby either