The spread of Islam is known to be very rewarding. Allah is pleased with those Muslims who put in extra effort to spread the teachings of Islam. These Muslims are rewarded as they serve as a source of light and guidance for those who are engulfed by the darkness of ignorance. However, for all those who want to spread Islam, here are some tips that they need to follow.
1. Ask for the forgiveness of Allah from the bottom of your heart. It is essential that yuou make Taubah wholeheartedly before you seek His forgiveness. Also, make a resolution that you will not do anything that is forbidden in Islam or anything that displeases Allah.
2. If by any chance a human being makes a mistake, make sure you seek the forgiveness of Allah and repent on your sins.
3. Also, make sure you pray with congregation. This should be your first priority. However, you can also pray alone when you are not near a mosque or when praying with a congregation is not possible.
4. Pray in peace and tranquility. Pray calmly. Praying is not a race that you need to win. Pray wholeheartedly and with complete devotion. Make sure while praying you concentrate on your worship and your relationship with Allah. Forget all secondary things that belong to this world.
5. Also, learn the meaning of all the Surahs and all the verses that you plan to recite while praying. Also, be sure that you understand that Allah is watching you all the time. no matter what you do, Allah will be watching all your deeds.
6. Offer all prayers as if this would be the last prayer of your life. Pray with complete devotion.
7. Make sure that you make sadqah often. Always set aside some portion of your earnings for the poor. This will help you earn more blessings.
8. Don’t just give monetary donations. Helping others learn Quran is also a form of donation. Planting trees is also a form of donation.
9. Make sure you fast even during those days which are not mandatory. Sunnah fasts will help you earn greater benefits.
10. Learn Quran yourself and also teach it to others.
11. Learn Tajweed rules and recite Quran accordingly.
12. Make sure you deal with people in a way that is approved by Allah and Islam. Do not be too proud and do not let others feel down. Dress in a way that is not offensive for others and follow the religious code for dressing.
13. Avoid causing trouble to others through your tongue or hands. Allah is not pleased with people who hurt others through their actions.
14. Consider everyone equal. Be just and kind to all. Islam promotes justice and equality.
15. When you perform a good deed, pray to Allah that he accepts your deed and rewards you for it.
Therefore, if you want to spread Islam, you need to follow these rules and tips as they will help you spread Islam quickly.

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If you want to read more Articles regarding to Islam and Quran, you can find all here quran Reading is an online Islamic School which offers learn Quran services online. The school also teaches Quran Recitation and online Quran Reading with translation. Learn All about Islam and Quran Online Islamic Articles by visiting our Quran reading blog.