Infertility or sterility can be defined as the inability to give birth due to some defect and when the defect is a male factor it is called male infertility. The issue of male infertility affects nearly 30% to 40% of couples, who have difficulty in conceiving a baby. A male fertility usually reveals low sperm count or unhealthy sperm. But there is no reason to be disheartened, as most of the cases can be treated.

Before giving any treatment to your low sperm count you should be attentive to the various reasons causing it. Common ones are varicocles, sperm disability, premature or retrograde ejaculation, blocking of the sperm passage, low hormone levels, exposure to heat, as in boilers, hot beds, genetic defects, use of drug or alcohol and smoking etc. And the various ways to increase your sperm count are: make sure you lose weight as this is one of the most common reasons for a low count.

Stop smoking and drink in moderation. Drop your level of stress as much as possible. Practice meditation to remain freely without any tension. This is a great way of living in any form. Having sex in early morning is good concerned about sperm count. Use supplements to increase your count. Some great products are there on the market that really works but be careful as there are a lot of junk products on the market. Certain tablets and many other herbs claim to reduce male infertility. Practice a healthy living. For it, first eat healthy food, rich in vitamins and minerals. Second, exercise regularly, to keep fit and healthy. Injections like intracytoplasmic sperm injection and vitro fertilization have helped many couples to conceive and give birth to healthy babies.

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