Your bathroom should be a place where you find solace in the mornings. The process of getting up in the morning and getting ready for work is stressful enough as it is, but it is even worse if you have to get ready in a messy bathroom.

Most of us already push the limits on how long we can sleep in and still make it to work on time. And if your bathroom is a mess, you are going to waste valuable morning minutes searching through junk to find your bathroom essentials in the morning. These are valuable minutes you could have spent sleeping, or even, hard as it is to believe, making a healthy breakfast for yourself!

While it is always a constant struggle to maintain a clean bathroom, it is even more difficult when you have multiple people sharing the same bathroom. The plain fact is that we all have a lot of things we need in the bathroom, and each person forced to share the same bathroom is going to increase the amount of soaps, moisturizers, towels, medicines, and more exponentially.

That is why it is incredibly important to take preventative measures in keeping your bathroom clean. It isn’t easy, but with some smart forward thinking you can get your powder room clean and keep it that way. Here are five convenient tips for keeping your bathroom clean, whether you live alone, with a significant other, with roommates, or even with your whole family.

Tip #1 – Organize Your Pills Ahead of Time

We mentioned before how important it is to have everything ready and organized in the morning. This way you can get out the door faster, and maybe even have a little time to relax before rushing out to work.

If you have a daily regiment of medications or vitamins, you know just the simple process of getting out all your pill bottles in the morning can take up a lot of time. Plus, all those bottles occupy a lot of space.

With the One Mount Pill Dispenser you can organize all your pills ahead of time. This way not only will you reduce clutter, but you will shorten the amount of time it takes you to get ready.

Tip #2 – Keep those Towels Clean and Organized

If you live with multiple people it can be a constant battle to find a place to hang your towels. The last thing you want is for everyone you live with to compete for that one towel rack. You just end up with several wet towels in a piled mess on top of each other.

The Towel Valet makes sure your towels are out of the way and drying effectively. It can hold two full-sized towels, as well as two hand towels. It has a weighted base so that it won’t tip over either. The bars on this valet also provide much more effective drying than just hanging your towel on a hook.

Tip #3 – Make the most of your Unused Space

For many of us, we don’t have the largest bathrooms in the world. That means we have to capitalize on every inch of space we have available.

With an Over Toilet Spacesaver you can get the most out of the space directly above your toilet. The Glacier Spacesaver is a perfect bathroom storage solution. It fits perfectly above your regular sized toilet. You can use it for storing a wide variety of toiletries, towels, or even some nicely framed photographs.

Tip #4 – Get your Makeup Out of Your Way

Makeup is one of the hardest things not only to keep out of the way, but also to keep in good shape. When you throw all of your makeup products in a bag and store it under the sink, half your brushes and applicators end up getting damaged.

With the Bathroom Countertop Makeup Organizer, however, you can store your brushes, applicators, eyeliner, lipstick and more conveniently organized in the same place. It has a variety of vertical cylinders of varying heights that will make your makeup easily accessible.

Tip #5 – Stop fighting over Space in the Shower

In most showers, there aren’t usually a whole lot of places to store all of the items you need every time you bathe. This is even worse when you share a bathroom with people.

The 12 Foot Chrome Corner Shower Caddy is a great way to maximize the unused space in the corner of your shower. It extends up to twelve feet tall so it works great even if you have high bathroom ceilings. With four shelves of storage, you will have more than enough room for all your shower needs.

Don’t ruin your morning by waking up and walking into a messy powder room. Help keep it clean using these five helpful tips.

Author's Bio: 

Trent Kramer is a freelance writer who writes about organization tips and products such as bathroom organizers.