• Keep your skin clean and dry always. You can add two drops of lemon extract into the water you are using for bathing. This will make your skin more fresh and glowing.

• Egg yolk is a good solution for removing the wrinkles in your skin. You can mix it with a little amount of water and apply to your body to remove the skin wrinkling problems

• Use good quality skin care products for your skin. You will get skin rashes, allergies and other irritation if you use the products having poor quality.

• Mild soap and creams should only be used directly on your body. The chemicals in these will not harm your skin. Drying your skin is one of the major problem which is the result of the strong chemicals that are present in your skin product

• Oil massage is best for your skin. This will exfoliates the skin and will make it clearer. You can perform oil massage twice in a week.

• Turmeric has an amazing effect to make your skin glow. You can apply turmeric after grinding them on to the skin.

• Excessive hair growth may be the result of hormone secretion. If you have uncontrollable growth of hair then you can consult a doctor.

• To remove the hair permanently you can follow laser treatment. This is very costly method.

• A mixture of turmeric gram flour and water can be mixed and applied to the body parts.

• The best natural bleaching agent is lemon. You can mix lemon with honey and apply to your skin to give a bleaching effect to your skin.

• You can mix curd with lemon juice to make a thick paste and apply on to your skin to make it more fresh and bright.

• Applying rose water on your body will also nourish your skin.

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Herbal Health Products

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