Every year lots of people get into making their New Year's resolutions. And at the top of the list there's always fitness related goal, such as losing stomach weight.

The problem with these resolutions is they don't last more than a few weeks, if that. The excitement fades and people are back into their comfort zones of their current weight. This is because somehow, many people's self esteem is tied to the way they look. And that's because we are a visual society and the way someone is
perceived by others ties to the way they see themselves.

Dealing with extra weight also creates other challenges, besides a low self-esteem. There are many health risks associated with carrying those extra pounds. The risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are among the most dangerous.

One way to start getting rid of your belly fat is to watch what you're eating, in terms of calories. You don't need to starve yourself, but creating a healthy diet will go a long way to trimming your body.

It's been proven that you should eat more often, just less in quantity to give your body the nutrition and the fuel it needs. So there's no reason to starve yourself.

Create a schedule of when and what you'll eat and stick to it. Avoid foods with lots of saturated fat. It's not easy to digest and turns into stored fat.

Look for substitutions. Instead of getting something loaded with sugar, try to find an alternative that's naturally sweet.

Stay away from these artificial chemically induced foods, that say low fat and sugar free.

Move around. Another reason why people become struggle with losing stomach weight is lack of exercise. We live in a world where people drive almost everywhere they go including short distances. But your body desperately needs exercise in order to burn that fat. And I'm not talking about killer workouts and sweating it out at the gym every day.

Simple daily exercises such as walking and doing some movements with your arms and legs, can start getting your blood pumping, giving your heart the work out it needs and accelerates belly fat burning in the process.

Here's another important tip to help you with your weight loss, is to set it as a goal.

1. Write down how much you want to weight by the end of this year. This actually commits you to it and committing something to paper takes it from wishful thinking to a deliberate decision.

2. Create a picture of the body you want. Think about the waistline you'd like to have. How much stomach weight you'd like to lose, and how it would feel when you've achieved it.

Think and visualize yourself with your ideal weight. Think of yourself as someone who's sexy and is attractive to the opposite sex. Imagine yourself walking down the beach and getting comments about your beautiful body. I know that sounds a little like day dreaming, but trust me there's are HUGE psychological effects for doing that and they work in helping you get rid of your stomach fat.

3. Do something everyday. Take action and daily steps in achieving your goal. Every little thing counts. Small improvements daily can amount to huge changes over a period of time.

So if you want to start losing stomach weight, and have the body you've always wanted this year, then watch what you eat, do some daily exercises, and visualize yourself as you want to be, not as you are right now.

Believe me, it works.

Author's Bio: 

Dawn Smith is a nutrition and a weight loss expert author and educator.

Discover how to start losing stomach weight with 3 free reports "Taking Your Diet to the Next Level", "Eating Foods That Burn Fat", and "Is Your Belly Fat Killing You", plus more information information on how to lose stomach weight at her blog www.LosingStomachWeight.info