Doctors have been trying to save lives ever since. In the earliest civilisations, they have what they call "Asu” or a medicinal doctor to treat them with their illnesses, in the dark ages doctors were called “Chiurgeon" and then "herbalist" in native America, and the list goes on and on. The point is all of these practitioners have dedicated their lives in giving ill people another chance to live and also vowed to find the cure to eradicate pandemic diseases.

Somehow, even knowing the good intentions of a physician, some people are still afraid of doctors. Some would say that they don't want to risk their lives in the hands of someone who have only learned the human body in textbooks or they would instead use herbal medicine because whatever the doctors are using right now are toxic to the human body and so.

They refuse to seek medical attention, they don't believe in therapeutic drugs or would even refuse to vaccinate their children because again everything is harmful. And this belief would come to the extent that they are putting their lives and their children's lives in danger. In certain emergencies that a person needs the help of this kind of doctors, what would happen?

In emergencies, surgery is usually involved in the process, but again, some people are afraid of doctors, what more of surgery. So let's walk through the conventional procedure and the frequently asked questions during an operation that would help us understand and at the same time believe that we are in good hands.

Upon Arrival, Will I be Operated at Once?

In this part, you are requested to arrive two hours before the surgery. A nurse will inform you of what is going to happen before, during and after the operation. You will be asked about your medical history, and the nurse will record your vital signs in this procedure. You are then instructed to change into a gown and remove any jewellery, contact lenses or glasses, and you will be wheeled in the operating room.

Who will Operate on Me?

A group of people would usually work together to guarantee your safety. The team would include:

Surgeon: The person who will conduct the operation and lead the team.

Anesthesiologist: The person in charge to make you comfortable during operation, guarantees you a pain-free surgery.

Nurse: Assist the doctor and checks on you before during and after the surgery.

These people are licensed to operate and have mastered all that is to know about human anatomy.

How will they know if I’m doing Well During Surgery?

Usually, a clip is placed in your finger to check the oxygen level, cuff to your arms for blood pressure and pads on the chest to check on the heart rate. Sometimes you are given an oxygen mask to help you breathe during operation.

Is infection Common After Surgery?

Infection after the surgery is rare because the skin is disinfected first before the surgery proper. The tools to be used are sterilised before and after using. The team usually cleans their hand, and they use medical gloves, surgical masks and gowns to prevent infection.

What Happens After Surgery?

You will find yourself in the recovery room. The nurses will continue to monitor your vital signs like breathing, heart rate and the area where you are operated. The duration of your confinement will depend on your recovery time and the type of surgery you underwent.

When I get Home Will, I Be Alright?

The doctors won’t usually issue you a clearance to go home when they are not yet confident about your recovery. In your home, you’ll still need some time to rest until you’re back to your old self. Prescription medicines will also be given in case of pain.

Are the Supplies Used in the Hospitals Safe?

The administration makes sure that all materials used are harmless to the patients as patients are the number one priority in this kind of field and institution. The equipment used is usually in excellent quality.

Medicines are bought in bulks for the patient's consumption. Some hospitals find their market by wholesale and when they are offered a huge save. For example, Ketorolac Drug Coupon or drugs used before and after surgery are used by hospitals to have discounts. In general, everything they apply to you is safe.


This kind of institution has a primary aim to help the people. It is for the people by the people. The modern medicine was moulded to its current form to help you get better. The only way to get better is to trust and let them do the work.

Author's Bio: 

Md Rasel is a professional blogger.