It is the midst of 2011 and we’ve observed numerous terrific motion pictures so far. Unknown, Adjustment Bureau, Harry Potter plus the Deathly Hallows Component two, Just Go with It, Thor, Kung Fu Panda two are just couple of of them. But a lot of movie followers presently can’t help but be thinking about the following year’s lineup of films to watch out for. So what are you currently waiting for? Browse by way of this list to uncover what movies you ought to be enthusiastic for the upcoming year.

The Dark Knight Rises

This is director Christopher Nolan’s very last film for Batman so people today can anticipate major twists and turns, and a lot of action filled scenes. Christian Bale reprises his role as the cape crusader despite the fact that there had been rumors that he practically backed out due to the notion of involving a Robin character in the movie. Anne Hathaway is hot and sexy as Catwoman and Tom Hardy is cast as the main villain Bane, who’s famous for breaking Batman’s back in comic tales. Fellow members of the cast consist of Gary Oldman and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. If you’re a fan of the dark knight, there's no way you must pass up this film.

The Avengers

You now know the reason why superhero flicks have already been displayed in theaters additional than once in a year. And it is due to this film which includes most of the superheroes that we’ve been watching for a even though. The Avengers is composed of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Nick Fury, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. Most actors reprise their characters like Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Mark Ruffalo will be the new Hulk who replaces Ed Norton. Director of this all-star cast is Joss Whedon, who has the challenge of finding an amazing nemesis for this lineup of powerful avengers.

The Amazing Spider-Man

As if Dark Knight along with the Avengers aren’t enough, be in the watch for yet another well-known superhero character from Marvel and it’s no other than Spider-Man. Spider-Man is taken back to his high school years in this motion picture that now stars as Peter Parker. We won’t see Kirsten Dunst or Mary Jane either. Spider-Man’s love desire within the movie is Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacey. The bad guys are the Lizard and the Proto Goblin, which are from Norman Osborn’s experiments. Martin Sheen plays the role of Uncle Ben.

The Bourne Legacy

Jason Bourne isn’t the main character in this movie. It can be rumored that Jeremy Renner will take the lead role whilst Rachel Weisz will probably be the love interest. Director Tony Gilroy will make this film which features different characters and new story about a business that's behind the shadow government operation called Treadstone. This is what brainwashed agents like Bourne and turned them into a ruthless murderer.

These are merely few of the numerous films to watch out for in the coming year. Ensure to prepare your popcorn makers and popcorn machine supplies so you’ll have a grand time seeing these movies. As you know, movie watching isn’t complete with out a bucket of yummy popcorn.

Author's Bio: 

Timothy Wooledge is pasiionate writing about Foods. For more information in popcorn machine supplies and
popcorn makers, please visit him online.