Hearing "I have client leads for you" is no doubt music to the ears of any business owner! Next, is "how can I work with you?" Getting referrals is another excellent way to get client leads and it happens--why? Because someone did some marketing for you.

For example, in the "careers" industry there are thousands and thousands of people searching for career services every single day. But if you are a career coach or resume writer and they can't find you anywhere, how are these thousands and thousands of people going to know that you even exist?

It doesn't matter what industry you are in or type of business you own. Bottom line, if people can't find out about you, how do you expect to drum up business if you are not getting client leads?

YOU are your business. So, how are "you?"

  • Are people finding you on the search engines, connecting with you through your social networks or finding you on some of the organizational sites you belong to?
  • Are you staying in touch with those you connect with or are introduced to?
  • Are you letting people know how they can sign up for your blog, newsletter, or how they can connect with you on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn?
  • Are you writing articles and submitting them to article banks to attract even more potential clients?

Lots of stuff, I know. But in order to get client leads, people have to know you are out there and open for business. If all that I mentioned above is not part of your marketing plan, why not?

Is it because just thinking about taking on all of these things brings on a major headache and makes you feel overwhelmed or you can't find the time or don't have the time to do it all?

If you answered yes, you are not alone. Many solo-entrepreneurs do and that's why they put marketing on the back burner. But yet, they wonder why business is so slow and why they can't get more client leads.

Imagine what business opportunities you are missing by NOT doing these things? If you can't find time to do it yourself, get someone to do it for you.

The definition of "business" is the purchase and sale of goods or services in an attempt to make a profit. Your check book tells you if you're really in business or not. If you don't like what you see, it's time to make a serious decision to take action and stop making excuses or blaming the economy for slow sales.

It's your responsibility as a business owner to make it a success.

So many small businesses fail because of many reasons. A few key reasons include...

  • the owner can't make quick decisions (meaning their decision-making skills are long and drawn out just to make a decision!)
  • they are not willing to delegate or let go of tasks that can easily be done by others to free up their time to work on projects that will generate profits for their business
  • they are not willing to invest in getting the support they need to grow their business (or themselves!)
  • they just give up because they discover that actually owning a small business is a lot more than what they thought it would be.

Here's the deal, you've established yourself as a small business owner, invested a lot of time, dedication, hard work and effort to be recognized as an expert in your line of work, and offer quality services people need and want. Make sure people know that YOU are here and open for business!

Author's Bio: 

Maria Hebda, CCMC, CPRW is Founder of CertifiedCareerCoaches.com and CertifiedResumeWriters.com. As a certified career management coach and certified professional resume writer, she truly understands the benefits and value credentialed career professionals can provide their clients.

If you're a career expert looking for more client leads, visit CertifiedCareerCoaches.com or CertifiedResumeWriters.com and be sure to claim your free special report -- Get Found Online!