When it comes to mastering the rugby drills, the training balls play an important role. The material the ball is made up of, and its weight & other features make a lot of difference in time the trainees take to master the top rugby skills. On this page, let us discuss how a quality training ball from a reputed brand bought from a famed online  sporting goods store will help the trainees.

ross faulkner training ball

Knowing the Support Lines

This particular drill helps to improve attack, defence and agility of the trainees and hence, is one of the most critical rugby drills.

This drill is all about launching an offensive and improve the attack with lessons ranging from support play to jackle technique, which is suitable for the beginners as well as the advanced players

Objective:  While the attacking players work their way to advance through the open space and break through the defensive line with the ball, it teaches the defenders to shoulder the carrier of the ball and take possession of the ball. Trying this drill with a quality training ball like Ross Faulkner training ball will help the carriers to master the skills of retaining the ball possession. However, it will help the defenders as well to gain the possession, dispossessing the ball carriers.

Bouncing and Competing for the Ball

This particular drill is all about focusing on rucking and jacking along with contact conditioning. Here the players start by facing down on the ground by the side of two sausage pads. They will have a training ball wedged in the middle. On the blow of whistle they jump into a safe and solid jackle position to compete for possession of the ball.

Objective: The objective of this drill is to improve the ability to bounce the ball off the ground and fight for taking possession of the ball. As understandable, when this drill is conducted using a top quality ball like Ross Faulkner ball for rugby training. 

Mastering the Overlap With a Loop

This particular drill puts emphasis on handling the ball, the timing when it comes to receiving and releasing the ball, and developing the attacking awareness. 

During the drill, the attacker follows the initial loops and pass around the middle player. They will receive back the ball and attack the outside for creating an overlap and score.

Objective: The objective of this drill is to improve the timing of both the pass and run delivery for creating space towards the goal of the opponent.

Catching & Collecting Difficult Balls

This particular drill will help the players in ball handling skills, minimising reaction time and offloading the ball at the right moment. The drill is all about feeding the two other players with balls. These players will bounce back the balls and the third player will have to try and catch hold of the ball before knocking it on to the ground. 

Objective:  This drill will help develop the skills to regather possession of the ball. 

Thus you see, these two are the four most important drills that the trainees need to know about, as a part of their training.

Author's Bio: 

There are certain with-the-ball drills in rugby that can be mastered only and only when a quality rugby training ball like Ross Faulkner Training ball is used by the trainees.