A sensor is a unit used to identify proceedings or variations at whatever place it is placed after which it directs the data back to other electronics, which could be a computer, a mobile phone, etc. At all times it works in conjunction with other computer electronics, which could be as humble as light or as complicated as a computer. So we can define sensors as smart watchdogs.
Labeling and advertising specialists are convinced that people have not fully accepted the use of sensors. This may sound ambiguous, but many people may not be in the know how that sensors are now being manufactured in different forms like the so-called smartwatches which can be worn on the hand just like any other watch, smartphones are also here with us but they are also connected to sensors and can convey information to the interested party on all the happenings taking place wherever they are installed. For vendors, the best part about sensors is that all of these different versions can record and get as many details as possible. They have therefore organized to exhibit all this during the Consumer Electronics Show to be held in Las Vegas.
According to a well-known advertising expertise director, advertising has constantly tried to change or come up with the expressive reaction of human beings to a product. Considering the development taking place in the world of technology, this may soon be possible. With the information that sensors can harvest, it may soon become a reality for them to give concrete answers to certain human expressions through joining of the heart rate with body temperature and variations of the skin.
As a result of this, advertisers and branding specialists are now in agreement that their advertising determinations carried out with the help of sensors will now be the trend as far as the making of live events is concerned.
Mindshare, an organization that deals with sensors have already taken the step of using sensors for some of their patrons. In the course of latest fall's Wimbledon, they contacted a number of their willing patrons to participate in an exercise that involved putting on a special type of bracelets which are biometric, for them to be able to measure the participating patrons' heart rate, wave, and audio intensities. The head of the organization confirmed that this exercise enabled them to have an understanding of the incentive and reaction and as such, they were able to test what he referred to as a response from the gathering. That information was later let out through public broadcasting for a crusade which in turn led to a good increase in customer participation on public broadcasting stations.
Despite this exercise of using sensors by dealers being fruitful, there are still some who are uncertain of the existing uses of these devices. A certain head of the company which has been involved in using the same live-event strategies for some of their major consumers is confident that there is a lot of potential with sensors though they are yet to make good money for the business. He believes that sensors that are worn still carry the day as they are exciting to the customer though companies are experimenting with this expertise and are not yet fully prepared for the outcome of the results.
Despite this state of unpreparedness, dealers have come up with different methods of using sensors.
Marketers feel that sensors, especially the ones used on the human body can play a big role in examining and giving a detailed breakdown of individual exclusive bodily and interactive features for people. A sensor can be used to identify an individual from his or her heart rate or even from the steps he or she takes when walking. No wonder sensor dealers and professionals who deal with the different varieties of sensors are determined to set up campaigns to spread this information more.
The advent of the Apple Watch 2.0 cannot also be overlooked. Experts are already conducting an experiment on the watch which will make it possible for employers to monitor the performance of their workers. This will make workers perform better.
It is hoped that with the available knowledge clothing manufacturers will be able to make clothes with sensors with some famous companies ready to have their designs used for this purpose. They argue that with technology, it will be possible to manufacture touch clothes the same way it has made it possible for the manufacture of touch displays which are used in the form of mobile phones, tablets, television screens, etc
There is also the technology that makes it possible for sellers to identify where their clients are and then alert them, through their (clients') mobile phones about new products.

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