We ,like pictures, always work in some background-physical or emotional. In this article I am focusing on emotional backgrounds as we all are equipped with them as a human being.

Suppose there is a picture of a man who is doing his work with great motivation and interest. What do you think how many factors would be there to convince him to do that- countless. Such as:

a. He might be in need of cash.
b. It might be the personal trait to work hard.
c. There could be a prize for the best hard worker.
d. He could get inspiration from his family to work like that
e. He could have developed a tendency to work hard.
f. He might want to engage his mind in something else and get rid of his bothering thoughts.
g. He could do it to earn lots of money, respect, career or anything else.

This is very simple to understand that there could be any reason to do what we do. All of us do the same thing with different emotive background and all of us feel differently as a result.

One can get pass marks out of extreme hard work and the same pass marks can be achieved out of daily routine work. The difference is only in emotions not quality of input in these examples. Have you seen you can do much more the thing you love to do and the thing you do not like to do, becomes a rock to cross. Some work hard and say, ‘oh, it's nothing' and some do nothing and say, ‘oh, such a hard work it is’. Again the difference is our emotional background where we work and feel a lot.

Have you ever thought about your shopping style? You shop a lot or shop a little due to emotional imbalance or balance. Sometimes you select something because your emotions were very much disturbed. Sometimes you do not shop a lot because your emotions are not with you. There could be countless examples to quote from daily life that proves that our emotional background tremendously affect our decisions and behaviors in life.

Have you seen yourself preparing for your exams with great concentration and motivation? Normally students do not focus on studies but near exams, are serious and committed to studying. There is only one factor contributing towards their efficiency that is their knowledge of exams ahead. Similarly for other areas of life, we behave differently and likely to behave seriously if we are going to get a reward (punishment) - a theory named as operant conditioning.

People around us give charity for the sake of goodness and self satisfaction. Their emotions play a great role in that. When they feel low or face something odd, they are more likely to give charity. When they achieve something great, they again are more likely to give charity. In other words, their emotional background makes them realize that they need to go to charity. And such is true with other decisions of life too.

To give life is one of the biggest sacrifices on earth. People are ready to die when they feel severely ill, fall in love, to help their beloved ones or for the sake of religion. So the emotional backgrounds help us in deciding what to do with our life and what not to do as well.
Our identities provide us a strong basis for our emotional backgrounds. When we share same status; in religion, at work, in family, in friends, in forums, online, or in any place in any capacity, we share same emotive backgrounds and that is why we share more empathetic feelings for our fellows.

Some background concepts come from the media. Taking an example of chocolate advertisement. You may find people beautiful, energetic and young while eating chocolate in a comfortable environment, enjoying, smiling and having fun with delight and pleasure. Although they want us to eat chocolate but indirectly they are making our emotional background that states that we are energetic, happy and young so we need chocolate to celebrate our happiness and delight. Why do not they show sad, poor and clumsy people eating chocolates?

Likewise, couples shown in romantic Asian songs are usually dancing in great scenery, on big inspiring cars or motorbikes, while having grandly designed dresses! We get the feeling that both are from rich families, beautiful, young and in a spectacular place to express love to each other. Things that make background in a scene remain the same in our brain as an emotional background associated with love and happiness. The same is true for songs, popular quotations and beliefs in culture that make emotional backgrounds for all of us.

There are many holidays like New year, Christmas, mother’s day , father’s day, Easter, Eid, Divali, etc. that provide us with great versatility in terms of backgrounds. On such occasions, whatever we do, our mind unconsciously feels like to celebrate that very day.

We keep on making convictions and beliefs without paying much attention to their backgrounds. Sometimes our conceived background is not true. We desire the same background to feel the same. So there would be pain and suffering instead of happiness and pleasure because our learnt emotional background is fake and challengeable.
Things that usually give us pleasure and real satisfaction could not be achieved physically as they are part of our emotional background not the real emotions. Like you weep out of pleasure or you laugh to feel better. So in the first case you feel sad but your emotional background is happy and in the second case you are feeling low actually while showing happy emotions.

Thus background emotions are our bosses and we feel different due to our versatile background (emotional). Usually our beliefs make our backgrounds and we live in those backgrounds unconsciously. So the quality of emotions matters a lot in deciding our well being and satisfaction. The more positive our emotions are, the happier we will be.The more stable our emotional background is, the more consistent and content we will be. The more attractive our emotional background is, the more charming our personality would look. The more natural our emotional backgrounds are, more successful we will become in our life.

Author's Bio: 

Mona Aeysha, PhD, is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist, have been working as a Teacher, Counselor and Researcher in several institutes of China, Pakistan and Cambodia. Her major areas of interest are: self –esteem, self-concept, conceptual psychology, belief psychology, self psychology, preferential psychology, cultural psychology and women psychology.
You are always welcome to contact her via email if you have any query in this regard.
Dr Mona