George, the entrepreneur is fantastic at closing deals, he seems to know exactly when to ask for the order and spots opportunities and closes orders that his colleagues simply miss.

Fiona, the coach is amazing at helping people to change rapidly and when she meets her peers they often ask "how does she do it?"

David, the manager is able to notice when someone in his team is performing well and often encourages them to go way beyond what they may be expecting and surprise even themselves.

Michelle, the trainer gets amazing feedback and the people who come on her courses absolutely love the way that she seems to just know when they understand and are ready to move on.

Many people seem to regard these "intuitions" as mysterious things, outside of themselves that they "have".

How do you know when you're having an intuition?

Start to consider intuiting as a process, as something that you "do" and you can ask some new questions that will enable you to become more intuitive. Questions that you can answer right now:

What is intuition like?

When do I feel intuitive?

What do I see, hear and feel that let me know that I am being intuitive?

How do I sequence feeling, hearing and seeing when I am being intuitive?

What do I do differently when I trust my intuition?

What happens when I am intuitive and I do the opposite?

Once you have clear answers to these questions you can begin to practice becoming more intuitive. Enjoy :0)

Author's Bio: 

Graham Constantine is a Trainer Licensed by the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He has been studying and working with NLP since 1995 and runs Whole Being ( with his partner Claire.